Chapter 27: Guilty as charged

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Lily's POV

"I'm here," I arrived in the kitchen, seeing mom and dad sit at the dining table. "What was so important?" I sat down then, looking at them.

Mom looked at dad, who showed me his newspaper. "This," He tapped the front page. "Read it."

I looked from him to the front page. "The CAT fails to deliver, Mother Superior out for revenge." I looked up at them. "They know nothing."

Dad looked at mom, who then reached for my hands. "Lily," She paused, she seemed to look for the right words. "Where were you when the alarm sounded?"

I looked from her to dad, then back to her. Were they suspecting something? "In the restrooms, where you found me. Didn't I tell you this?"

Mom looked at dad, who didn't seem pleased with my explanation. "As soon as the Mother Superior escaped, the CAT sent us all out to patrol." He said to which I nodded, I knew this because I was there when they told us the plan. "Though they suspected that someone helped the Mother Superior escape."

I raised my eyebrows. "How and why would they do that?"

Dad nodded. "I wonder that too," He sighed. "But there's evidence that she got help."

I gulped. "Oh yeah?" Now I was getting scared... What if they discover I helped Catherine escape? What would they do with me?

Dad nodded again. He then got up, walking to his jacket that hung around the doorknob of the kitchen door. "When the Mother Superior escaped all the security footage cut out, the helping hand clearly didn't want to be seen," He continued, making me more nervous as he went on. "But the backup footage was left untouched."

"Great," I tried my best to sound excited, but it was difficult. "So they know who did it?"

Dad turned around. "They'll probably know it tonight, which is why," He then came back to the table, holding his jacket in his arms. "We have to work tonight," He then reached in his jacket. "Using these special badges." He handed a badge to me.

I looked at it. "Oh ok." I then put the badge in the pocket of my pants. "Anything else?"

Mom and dad shared a look before looking at me. "And you're sure you were in the restrooms the whole time, Lily?" Mom once again tried.

I looked at her, wondering if I should stick with my story or come up with something else. Maybe I should be honest? But they'd murder me if I did. They'd hate me, disown me... "Yes," I have to stick with what I said. "I am. Why?"

Mom shrugged. "Just to be sure." She smiled. "You should get ready for school."

I nodded and got up. "I'll be home early," I then looked at dad. "For work."

Dad nodded and showed me a small smile.

I then turned away and left the house.


"They were acting so strange," I told Avan when we were by our lockers at school. "I felt like they were accusing me of something."

He chuckled. "What could they accuse you off? You were in the restrooms."

I nodded. "I know," I sighed. "But I think they don't believe that." I can't believe I'm this good at lying... I should be an actress.

"I wouldn't mind them, they're probably worried because the Mother Superior escaped." He closed his locker. "It's not your fault, Lily."

"What's not Lily's fault?" Out of nowhere, Mabel joined the conversation. She walked to us and wrapped her arms around Avan, kissing him before looking at me. "What happened?"

I raised my eyebrows. "Better question, are you two dating?" I smiled, seeing the smiles that formed on their faces.

"We are," Mabel said, obviously speaking for the both of them. "After that surprise date, we kind of hit it off." She smiled at Avan. "And I couldn't be happier."

"Me too," He then looked at me. "I still have to thank you for that."

"It was my duty, as your best friend." I playfully nudged him.

"So what's not Lily's fault?" Mabel then asked again, going back to our previous subject.

Avan looked at Mabel. "Last night we caught the Mother Superior, but she escaped a couple of minutes later. And Lily feels like her parents are accusing her of something regarding that event."

I nodded. "And I don't know why."

"They're just worried, that's all." Mabel then reached for me, putting her hand on my arm. A way to show comfort. "We know you're innocent."

"Of course," Avan then chuckled. "You're smarter than the person who helped the Mother Superior. That person will get executed on live tv."

I gulped. "Yeah." I then looked around. "I'm going to head to class, I'll see you later." I then left them, probably with some questions.

I stopped when I was further away from them, out of their sight. I leaned against a wall and let out a breath. What have I done? The right thing. But what will happen when the CAT finds out I was responsible? They'll kill me...

I was so worried, so scared for my life. I knew that as soon as they saw me on that footage, they'll send out patrols to look for me. They'll question me but ultimately they won't care about my story, they'll kill me.

I went to sit down on the floor, not caring about school right now.

I actually felt in danger. I felt in danger from my own people. I felt like they'd hurt me, they'd hunt me down, they'd want me gone. I felt like I was part of them...

I took my phone, immediately going to Catherine's personal number. Call me, please. I remember Catherine saying that.

I dialed her number, waiting for her to answer her phone.


I sighed relieved when I heard her voice. "Catherine."

"Lily? What's wrong?" I loved how she seemed to know me so well, even by just hearing my voice.

I looked down. "I'm scared," I sniffled. "I think they've got me."

"What do you mean?"

I sighed. "They recorded me when I helped you escape," I looked back up, to nothing in particular. I noticed the hallways were empty, classes probably started. "I'm in big trouble, Catherine."

"We'll handle those troubles, stay calm for now. It is possible that they've got nothing. Maybe they only want to get to you."

I gulped. "I don't feel safe anymore." I said softly. "I don't like being in their midst." I paused. "I'd rather be with you." I felt unsure about saying that last thing, but I was glad I told her.

Suddenly I heard noises in the background at her end. "Wait outside your school," Then I heard a door. "I'll come and get you."

A smile crept onto my face. "Ok," I got up, already heading to the exit of the school. "I'll wait here for you."

"I'll hurry." She then ended the call.

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