Chapter 30: The start of something new

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Lily's POV

The house was nice. It was the same size as my parents' house and looked very homey, in a way. The only thing that I missed was life. The house looked like nobody had lived in it for quite some time.

Catherine told me where I could find some clothes, she motioned me to the right room and let me try on some clothes. She went back downstairs to make food for us.

I had taken all of the clothes out of the closet in this room. One of the three bedrooms in the house.

The person who lived here before had so many beautiful clothes, all expensive ones as well. It was difficult for me to choose what I was going to wear. There were like 8 nightgowns...

Eventually I chose a simple red one, it wasn't too revealing though it hugged my figure pretty well. I don't know why but I felt like showing my body off to Catherine. And this was the nightgown to do it with.

I put all the clothes back in the closet and then left the room. I made my way back to the stairs and went downstairs, but stopped when I heard Esmee's voice.

"She can't leave your side anymore."

"Are you sure that's what they said?" Catherine asked. She sounded worried.

"Yes," Esmee sighed. "She's in danger. And if they get her..."

"I'll protect her."

"I've demanded extra forces around the house, they'll watch you two." Esmee said. Wait, are they talking about me and Catherine? Are we both in danger? So that must mean that they all know I helped Catherine...

I walked to Catherine and Esmee. "What's going on?"

They both looked at me. And upon doing that, they seemed shocked.

"What?" I felt all over me. "Is there something on me?"

"No," Esmee smiled a bit. "You just look gorgeous in that nightgown."

I blushed. "Thanks."

Esmee smiled at me before looking at Catherine. "Tomorrow 4 bodyguards will arrive, they're the best of the best, they'll protect you two."

Catherine nodded. "What about their previous task?"

Esmee sighed. "Not as important as keeping you two safe."

Catherine let out a breath.

Esmee then looked at me. "I'm sorry for what you had to go through," She came closer to me, only to caress my face. "But we'll protect you against them."

"Them?" It sounded so weird hearing Esmee say that since she was part of them.

"Yes," She sighed. "Your kind."

Now it was my turn to sign. "I figured."

"Lily, why don't you go to the tv? I've ordered pizzas for dinner, they should be here any moment now." Catherine smiled at me.

I smiled, I knew she wanted me gone so they could talk about other things. Normally I'd fight her, but I was too depended on her now. "Ok." I left for the tv and sat down on the couch that was there.

I turned on the tv and went through the channels. Eventually, I found a news channel. "The daughter of Special Agent Faulkner was convicted with charges of conspiracy. She is now being hunted down and will be executed when caught. The CAT is talking about 'betrayal at it's finest'."

I shut down the tv and looked down.

"Hey," Catherine sat down next to me, she must've seen what I've seen on tv. "It's going to be alright." She took me in her arms, comforting me. "We'll protect you."

I looked up at her. "They want to execute me," I gulped, trying to keep the tears from falling. "They call me a traitor." I sniffled, I couldn't help it anymore. "They all hate me."

"That's their loss." Catherine pulled me into her arms. She pulled me so close, and I enjoyed her comfort immensely. 

I nuzzled my face closer to her. The thought of her being the Mother Superior crossed my mind for a split second before I pushed it away. I wasn't going to think too much about that now.

"Are you going to be alright?"

I pulled back and noticed Esmee looking at us, mainly at me. Why was she still here? "Yeah," I looked at Catherine, seeing her smile at me. I then looked at Esmee. "I have two people who care about me."

Catherine smiled and took my hand in hers and intertwined our fingers, once again showing me she was looking for attention.

"You're correct," Esmee nodded. "We'll keep you safe."

That's when the doorbell rang. Catherine looked at Esmee. "You can go now, thank you for the information." Catherine got up, walking to the front door and opened it. "Esmee!"

"Bye Lily." Esmee hurried to the front door.

I sighed before Catherine returned with two pizzas. "Here you go," She put them on the coffee table in front of us. "I hope you're hungry."

I scooted closer to the pizzas and opened the boxes. "I am now."

40 minutes later, 2 pizzas down and an episode of some tv show, Catherine and me were ready for bed. Catherine led me to one of the three bedrooms, strangely enough not the same one as before. This room looked like it had belonged to someone younger, the clothes were almost child-like.

She motioned for me to lie down, which I did. "Thanks for this," I took the sheets and covered myself with them. "Ah, I'll sleep very well in this bed."

"I hope so," Catherine closed the door and walked to me. "It's a great bed."

I smiled. "What are you going to do?"

She looked confused for a bit. "When?"

"Now," I let my head rest on my arm. "While I sleep."

Catherine pulled off her clothes, only left her bra and boxers on. "I'll get some rest," She then got in bed with me. "What else?" She smiled at me.

I gulped, blushing in the process. I was lying next to an almost naked Catherine. And she looked so sexy...

She scooted closer to me, only to stop right in front of my face. "Is that ok with you?"

"Y-yeah," I gulped. "Of course, it's your house."

She smiled a little and then reached for my face, caressing my cheek slowly. She looked deeply into my eyes, as if searching for something.

I looked back into her eyes, I didn't want to look away. I wanted to be confronted by her, by who she really is. I didn't want to be scared anymore. I didn't want the prejudgements, my dad told me, to color my view on who she was. I was ready to learn more about her.

I scooted my body closer to hers, by now we were the closest we could be without touching each other's body. But I wanted more. And I knew she wanted more.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and leaned in, connecting our lips in what would be the start of something new.

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