Chapter 50: Special Knights

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Third person's POV

"Where are you taking us?" Betty asked Catherine.

"To the car." Catherine replied as she watched two guards escort Lily's parents to her car, where Peter was waiting for them.

As soon as Betty and John agreed to trust Catherine, they got blindfolded and tied up. Then they were guided by guards and now they were here, trying to get in a car without actually seeing a thing.

When they had both entered, the guards bowed for their leader and left. Catherine then got in the car herself. "You know where to go, Peter."

Peter nodded before starting the car.

During the drive there, John was quiet. He was still angry about this situation. For once, he felt like he wasn't in charge, he felt powerless. And he didn't like that. Betty, however, was trying to listen to her surroundings. "So we're going to Lily now?" She asked the question both of them were wondering.

"We are," Catherine kept them both in view, she had to make sure they wouldn't have tricks planned for her. "As I promised."

"Your word means nothing." John mumbled.

Catherine rolled her eyes before looking outside, she noticed they were close. I hope Lily's ready for this, she thought.


Lily's POV

Talking to Marianne felt so different now, after this revelation. She felt more trustworthy, she felt nicer and caring. It's as if she's a different person.

Talking was so easy now, so natural, it looked like we'd never stop. And so even after breakfast, we continued talking. Marianne also introduced me to Benjamin, her 23-year-old son. He seemed very nice, I'll have to talk to him later on my own.

Marianne then went on to tell me about her family, about how she fell in love with Peter, one of them. How she had to choose between humans and them. And then how she ended up being on this side. It was a modern version of Romeo and Juliet, in my opinion.

During lunch, she stayed with me, as did Benjamin. Though he didn't have much time since he needed to be by the gate. He was the security guard on that post.

So when he left, Marianne and I talked about the subject we have in common: Catherine.

"So how's Catherine treating you?" Marianne asked as she drank some soup.

I smiled. "Very good, she knows exactly what to do."

"That's Catherine," She then looked down, seemingly upset by something. "Just like her mother."

This piqued my interest. "How is her mother?"

Marianne looked up.

"I feel that, to Catherine, family is a sensitive subject. And I don't know why." I sighed. "I'd love to help her, but she doesn't give me the chance to."

Marianne nodded. "Sometimes it's better not to dig up old wounds."

I raised my eyebrows. "But she shouldn't hide her feelings from me. I'm here to help."

"Listen, Lily," Marianne reached for my hands. She let out a deep breath. "Catherine has two lovely parents. They were made for each other, they absolutely loved and adored each other." She then looked down while caressing my hands. "But something terrible happened, pulling them apart from each other."

I gulped. "Do you mean they...?"

She sighed. "Catherine's mother is dead," She looked back up at me. "Her father's still alive."

"So where is he then?" I suddenly remembered something Catherine told me. "Isn't he supposed to be the leader?"

"Yes," Marianne then pulled her hands back. It was clear that even she had a hard time with this topic, I can't imagine what it must be like for Catherine then. "But that's a long story." She got up. "Let's have dessert." She brought the plates to the kitchen.

I sighed, leaning back in my chair. So Catherine's mom is dead... I wonder if that's the reason why Catherine can't talk about her family. Maybe the terrible thing that happened was that a special agent, like my dad, killed her mother... But she still has her father, I don't understand why she's not talking about him then...

"Desserts," Marianne smiled as she served it to me and herself. "I've been dying to eat these again."

I smiled as I looked at the tiramisu that was beautifully presented to me. "Are these that good?"

"Absolutely," Marianne took a spoonful of it. "Remy makes the best ones." She then put it in her mouth. "Oh, delicious!"

I chuckled before tasting it as well, and indeed they were great. "They are amazing."

"Told you."


When we were done having lunch, we started clearing down the table, to help Remy, when suddenly two guards appeared.

Marianne looked at them and looked like she had seen a ghost. "Uhm, why are you here?"

One of them stepped forward and handed her a piece of paper.

Marianne then looked at me. "Apparently these are for you," She motioned to the two guards. "Esmee arranged it."

I gulped as I looked at the guards. I should feel safe now, I mean, I had two guards who'd protect me. But these weren't normal guards. These were enormous. They were like almost twice the size of me. Ok, maybe that's an exaggeration but still... They were also dressed in deep red armor, and there was a symbol on their chest plate. One I had seen before.

"So this is Lily," Marianne said to the guards. "Lily, these are the Knight of the Bloodborn Council."

I raised my eyebrows. "Knights?"

Marianne shrugged. "That's their name." She then looked at me. "Listen, they will follow your orders but won't move or talk unless you tell them to."

"I noticed," I then walked around them, observing them. They looked so dangerous. "And why am I getting these?"

Marianne looked back at the note. "Because the humans are putting a bounty on your head," She then looked up at me. "I'm so sorry."

I sighed, shrugging. "It was a matter of time anyway," I then looked at the guards again, standing right in front of them. "I'm honored Esmee arranged these for me."

"Catherine probably got the other two."

I looked at Marianne. "Are there only 4 Knights?"

She then nodded. "They are special guards, as you can see."

"Now I feel even more honored." I smiled. "I'll have to thank Esmee for this."

Marianne smiled but, before she could answer me, the doorbell rang. "Ah, I think you'll be able to test these Knights now," She started walking to the front door. "Have a seat and wait for us." She then left.

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