Chapter 34: Let's see what happens

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Lily's POV

I ran to the front door and quickly opened it, but stopped when I saw Esmee.

"Lily?" She gasped. "What happened to your neck?"

I then heard the stairs. I looked at Esmee. "Catherine turned, she started sucking my blood. I'm scared."

Esmee then looked behind me, the look in her eyes said it all.

I gulped and looked behind me. And there she was, Catherine. And she looked angry.

Esmee entered the house and quickly pushed me behind her, putting herself in between me and Catherine. "Catherine, are you there?"

I blinked. What a strange question...

"How long has she been like this?" Esmee asked me. I didn't like the fear I heard in her voice.

"20 minutes, I think, why?"

Esmee sighed. "How have you survived this long?"

So I wasn't supposed to survive... Esmee knew it, I knew it. I was supposed to be dead, but I wasn't. Why didn't Catherine kill me?

Catherine groaned, she seemed to get angrier as time past.

"Lily, you have to go. You can't stay with her tonight."

Now I got even more scared. "Where am I supposed to go?"

"Home," Esmee replied. "Your father is worried, he wants to help you." She then looked back at Catherine, keeping an eye on her. "Go home, now!"

I looked down, realizing I didn't have any choice left. I didn't want to go home, I knew I was going to die if I did.

I walked out of the house and towards the sidewalk. I was going to die, there's no escaping now. But which death was better? The CAT executing me because I did what felt right to me or Catherine's bloody-form killing me because she's hungry?

I knew which one I belonged with.

I turned back around, back to the house. I walked to the front door and entered without a problem.

"Catherine, change back!" I heard Esmee order the bloody-form of Catherine. "Stop it!"

I walked in more only to see Catherine attack Esmee. Why was Catherine so angry?

"Stop!" Then Esmee spotted me. "Lily, get out!"

Catherine stopped attacking Esmee and looked at me, she then ran to me.

I gulped, ready to die for her. But when she was close, she didn't attack me, she didn't hurt me. No, instead she hugged me. I opened my eyes, to check if what I was feeling was correct, and indeed saw Catherine hug me.

Esmee got up, she looked as surprised as I was. "What did you do?" She asked me.

"I just hugged her." I wrapped my arms around Catherine, hugging her back. "It seems to calm her down."

"It does," Esmee looked at this scene in awe. "Unbelievable." She then smiled. "Finally."

I didn't understand what she was saying, but I wasn't going to ask about it right now. My main concern was getting Catherine back to the way she was. "How do we fix her?"

That question got Esmee out of her own thoughts. "What do you mean?"

I motioned to Catherine. "She's not herself, like this." I paused. "How do we get her back to her normal form?"

Esmee seemed taken back by my question. "Lily," She paused, sighing. "I don't know. I haven't seen this form yet."

That's when I gulped. What if Catherine's never going to change back? What if she's stuck like this? What if I have to take care of this version of her?

"Ok," I started, thinking. What should I do? What can I do? "Let's go upstairs again." I said to Esmee. I then looked at Catherine. "Go upstairs."

She looked at me and then released me. She started walking upstairs but was keeping an eye on me. For some reason, I couldn't leave her side.

When we arrived back in the room, I sat down on the bed. I then looked at Catherine. "Lie down."

She did just that.

I then looked at Esmee. "Keep an eye on her while I look for bandages in the bathroom." I then went to the bathroom. I immediately noticed the mess Catherine had left behind. And I also saw, in plain sight, the bandages I ordered her to bring me. She probably found them but left them when she heard me leave the room.

I had to treat my neck. I first washed the blood away with some water, then dried it. That's when I saw the clear sign: two little bite marks. Catherine's bite marks. I sighed as I put the bandage over it, even though it wasn't bleeding anymore.

I left the bathroom and noticed Esmee was standing awfully close to the door of the bedroom, she seemed ready to leave. Catherine, on the other hand, was just looking at me, she clearly had been waiting for my return.

I looked at Esmee. "Thanks, I'll handle it from here."

"Ok," She opened the door, she clearly was in a hurry to leave the room. "Call me in the morning, please."

I nodded to which she left. I then looked at Catherine. "Ready to go to bed?"

Catherine laid down but kept watching me intensively, I'd be so scared before but now I wasn't. I felt safe, strangely enough.

I laid down next to her, underneath the sheets. "Goodnight Catherine." I laid on my back, but I couldn't sleep like this. I always slept on my side, but which side do I choose? Do I face away from her so I don't feel her stare on my face? Or do I face her so I'll be able to see her actions?

I chose to face her. I closed my eyes, I just wanted to drift off to sleep.

Catherine, however, pulled me closer to her. She pulled me so close that my face was buried in her chest. She pressed her body on mine and then let out a sigh, it seemed she was satisfied with this position.

I gave in, maybe this was good. I wrapped my arms around her and closed my eyes. One thing was for sure, if she'd kill me during the night I wouldn't be in too much pain.

Let's see what happens...

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