Chapter 28: Fear

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Lily's POV

I looked around the environment, waiting impatiently to see Catherine's black car. The waiting was killing me, driving me mad. I felt like soldiers could show up at any moment, I knew they'd come for me as soon as they see that security footage.

I kept pacing around the entrance of the school, hiding whenever there was a noise somewhere. I was getting too paranoid. But at the same time, I knew they could already be looking at me... That thought made me even more worried.

I checked my phone. It had been 10 minutes since the call with Catherine. She should be here any moment now. Why was it taking her so long? There can't be that much traffic now.

I then heard a car. I looked for it but, when I saw it appear, my fear intensified. Dad's car...

I hid behind some bushes that were at the entrance to my school. I tried getting a look at dad's car and saw he wasn't alone. He had his squad with him. They all had a gun out. Why were they here? Was that for me? Was there a danger in school? Did they know Catherine was coming?

They walked past me and into the school building, they were definitely looking for something inside the school. And I bet they were looking for me.

I looked around, praying for Catherine to arrive. "Come on, Catherine, hurry." I whispered. I looked at the entrance again, nothing.

That's when my phone started buzzing. I reached for it in the pocket of my pants, seeing dad was calling me. I almost wanted to answer but then realized that'd give him a way to find me.

I sighed, turning off my phone, giving me some time to hide better. I walked closer to the street, almost onto the street. This way I'll be faster in Catherine's car.

And finally the moment I was waiting for came, Catherine pulled up right next to me. I smiled relieved and got up, walking to the car. I entered and smiled at her. "Thanks."

She smiled. "Of course," She then looked behind me. "Is that your dad?"

"Yeah," I saw dad look around, then he motioned to this car. My eyes widened. "Go, now!"

Catherine immediately started the car and drove off fastly. She didn't stop, she kept speeding up as if we were being chased by something.

We arrived at the office, Catherine parked in the underground parking lot. She stopped the car when it was parked and looked at me. "Are you ok?"

I looked at her. "I am now." I then smiled. "Thank you for helping me."

"Of course." She reached for my hands, holding them in her hand. "Why was your father at your school?"

I sighed, looking away from her. "I'm guessing he was looking for me."


"I don't know," I looked at her. "Maybe because of that footage."

Now it was Catherine's turn to look away, she seemed to think. 

"I'm sorry," I started, making her look at me. I looked down, playing with her hand. "I don't want to bring you into more danger, I just didn't know what to do anymore."

Suddenly Catherine took me by my chin, making me look at her. "I'm glad you did that. I'm here for you, ok?"

I slowly nodded.

She leaned in closer, connecting our lips once more. And I let her, and I enjoyed it. It seemed like she knew exactly how to handle this, how to make me feel relaxed and comfortable. She knew exactly what to do.

Her phone rang which made her pull back. She took her phone. "I'm sorry," She looked at the caller-ID. "Yes?" She sat back in her seat, giving me some time to process everything that has happened lately.

So I helped her, the Mother Superior, escape. I then let her into my house and let her stay the night. I then lied to my parents and skipped classes. I ran away from my dad and his squad. Now I'm in the car with the Mother Superior, kissing her as well. 

I'm so doomed.

"No," Catherine looked at me, she took my hand in hers, intertwining our fingers. It was a nice gesture that suggested she could care about others. Something humans didn't know. "No, I won't get back to work today."

I raised my eyebrows.

"No, Lily's with me, I have to keep her safe." Catherine looked away, to nothing in particular. "Yes, I know. No, I won't." She sighed. "I'm thinking about my parents' house."

I gulped, what was going on? I looked at our hands, which were intertwined. I lifted our hands up, only to kiss Catherine's hand.

She looked at me, smiling. "Yes," She then looked away again. "I'll call you tomorrow. Bye." She then put her phone down and looked at me. "Do I drop you off at home or do you want to come to my parents' house with me?"

Should I go with her, the Mother Superior? I shouldn't. Everything in my upbringing told me not to go with her. But everything in my heart said I should. "I'll go with you."

She smiled and started the engine again. She drove out of the underground parking and drove to her parents' house.

I looked out the window. I was processing everything that had happened today. I kept wondering what was going to happen now. Would I see my family again? Would they hate me? Would they worry about me? Would they hunt me down like they do for them?

I looked at Catherine, who was focussed on driving us to her house safely. Somehow I couldn't be scared of her. I should be terrified, she's human's worst enemy. But I didn't see it like that. I couldn't see her as my enemy.

"Why have you never told me?" I asked, gaining a quick glance from her. "About who you really are."

Catherine sighed. "I figured your parents must've told you crazy stories about our kind already," She then turned into a street, one that was more secluded. "I don't even want to know what they told you about me."

"That your dangerous," I started, making her look at me. For some reason, she seemed upset when I told her that. "That you are pure evil and that you killed people before."

She parked the car in front of a pretty normal house, I'm guessing her parents' house. Then she looked at me. "I figured."

"Is any of that true?"

She looked away, she seemed to think. And I wonder what she was thinking right now. Was she making up excuses? Was she trying to figure out how to be honest? Or was she just processing the upsetting news I told her?


She looked at me. "Everyone's evil to someone." She simply stated. "When humans attack me, I won't sit back and take the beating, I'll kill them."

I nodded. I could ask more about it, but felt like right now wasn't the best time.

She looked at the house. "Let's get inside." She got out of the car, to which I followed her example. She motioned for me to get closer and, when I did, took my hand in hers. She led me the way into the house. Her parents' house.

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