Chapter 58: The emptiness in my heart

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Lily's POV

"Lily," She caressed my back gently. "That syringe gave me the answer to what was wrong with your body," One of her hands came around and went over my stomach. "We're pregnant."  

"Pregnant?" I then pulled away from her. "I'm not pregnant."

"Yes, you are," Catherine came back, pulling me closer to her again. "The symptoms you have are indeed the ones of someone who's changing into our kind, but also the ones for someone who's pregnant with one of our kind."

I gulped, I was pregnant with Catherine's child, one of them. "So I'm carrying..."

"One of our kind," Esmee then smiled. "You're carrying our next leader."

I looked down, breathing intensified, this was too much. "I... I need to go."

"No," Catherine pulled me into her, hugging me. "You're staying with me," She then kissed my head multiple times. "I'm going to keep you and our baby safe."

"I'll call her Knights." Esmee said before leaving the office.

"I knew you were the one for me," Catherine went on. She was caressing my back gently. She kissed my head every once in a while. And all of those things relaxed me. It actually made me feel good, it made me feel safe. "I knew you were supposed to be my wife."

"Your wife?"

She pulled back a bit, just to look at my face. "Of course," With one hand she caressed my cheek. "You'll be my wife after we've had the baby, right?"

I blinked, trying to process everything that was happening. I was pregnant with Catherine's baby, a baby that's also one of them. Now she wants to marry me.

"Hey," Catherine pulled me back into her. "It's ok, we're ok." She kissed my head again.

"The Knights are on their way," Esmee suddenly said. "They'll be here in 10 minutes."

"Ok," Catherine then looked at me. "Once they're here, we'll go home so you can rest." She caressed my face again. "And I'll give you the nutrients you need."


About 15 minutes later, the Knights had arrived. They escorted me, alongside Catherine, to Catherine's car, to which Peter was the driver.

Catherine helped me get in and then got in herself. During the ride, she held me so close to her, as if she was afraid I'd run away.

When we arrived back at her house, she helped me get out. The Knights followed us inside the house where we were greeted by Marianne. "Lily," She smiled, she seemed relieved in a way. "You're back."

Catherine held me from behind, caressing my stomach. "She's the one, Marianne."

Marianne looked from Catherine to my stomach and seemed to connect the dots. She then covered her mouth and smiled. "I knew you were special." She then kissed my cheeks and Catherine's, congratulating us.

"We'll get some rest now," Catherine said while taking me with her up the stairs. "Tell Remy to make the meals for a pregnant woman."

"I will." She then disappeared into the kitchen.

Catherine led me to her bedroom. "Here," She pulled the sheets away and patted the bed. "Lie down a bit."

And so I did. I laid in her bed, which was the most comfortable bed I've ever laid in. I had missed this bed immensely.

Catherine went to lie down next to me. She simply looked at me as I laid there, not knowing what to do now. But I knew we needed to talk. "Catherine," I sighed. "Me being pregnant doesn't change the way we were," I then looked at her, her eyes were filled with love. "You hurt me."

"I know," She scooted closer, wrapping her arms around me. "And I regret ever listening to the BC or Esmee," She nuzzled closer, our noses now touched. "I knew you were the one for me." She whispered.

"How can I know you really love me?"

"Because I do."

I looked away, not satisfied with that answer. "I feel like you're only taking me back because I'm carrying your child."

"No," She pulled me back into her. "I admit that that's a big bonus for me, but ultimately I just wanted you back. I was miserable without you."

"What about Numbers 14 and 15?"

"Pff I don't care about those copycats," She then pulled me all into her. "I just want you." Then she leaned in and connected our lips, finally filling up the emptiness that had formed in my heart. I had missed this incredible feeling. "I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too." And there it was, without thinking about it, my heart finally spoke out. I did love Catherine, I knew that all along, but I couldn't face it.

She smiled as she pulled me in again, kissing me over and over while caressing my back and stomach gently as ever.


Third person's POV

"Where is she?" Riley asked as she looked at the building. "Shouldn't she be back already?"

"What if they hurt her?" Number 11 went on. "Or killed her? Or captured her? Or -"

"Ok, easy," Suzy said, gaining everyone's attention. "I'll go check it out." She then got out of the car and walked straight into the building. She walked to the elevator and got in. In there, she figured out how she'd move, since she knew the guards could throw her out, or worse: capture her for Catherine.

She got out of the elevator on Catherine's level and wanted to enter the workplace, when she noticed the door was being touched from the other side. She hid in the restroom but tried looking past the door to see what was happening. That's when she saw Lily, being escorted out by Catherine and two gigantic guards.

Suzy saw how they all entered the elevator and went down. She watched the elevator go down towards the underground parking lot. Catherine was taking her, but where to?

Suzy pressed the button too and got in the elevator. When she was back on the ground level, she went straight to the car and entered.

"And?" They all asked her.

Suzy sighed. "Catherine took her to the underground parking lot, they were being followed by two gigantic guards."

"This is not good," Riley said, shaking her head. "We have to find her, before it's too late."

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