Chapter 52: Time goes by

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Third person's POV

After an hour, Catherine motioned the guards to escort Lily's parents back to the office safely. They had to be blindfolded all the way there in order to not track Lily down.

When Lily's parents left, Lily let out a deep breath.

"How are you?" Catherine asked as Marianne sat down with them, once again showing Lily that she was more than just a nurse.

Lily shrugged. "Why can't he be happy for me?" She looked at Catherine. "He always looks for trouble. At least my mom tried."

Catherine smiled a bit. "Mothers only want what's best for their child, dads usually think about the whole family."

Marianne knew that this subject was tough on Catherine, and she sensed that Catherine was facing some old wounds herself now as well. She looked at Lily. "Why don't you go talk to Benjamin? He'll love that."

Lily looked up at Marianne.

"You're the first human girl he met." Marianne showed Lily a warm-hearted smile.

"Ok," Lily then looked at Catherine. "I'll be with Benjamin, if you need me."

Catherine nodded but didn't say anything anymore, another sign to Marianne that it was time for another talk.

When Lily had left the room, Marianne scooted closer to Catherine. "How are you?" She started, but saw it had little effect on Catherine. "Did this talk remind you of them?"

Now Catherine looked up. She sighed and slowly nodded.

"I figured," Marianne reached for Catherine's hands. "You know you can always talk about it with any of us. We're here for you. We've always been here for you."

"I know," Catherine looked down again, at their hands. "I just don't know what to say."

"Whatever you feel."

Catherine got quiet, she kept looking at their hands. She liked this, she liked having Marianne close. It reminded her of what she missed dearly.

"Maybe you should visit him," Marianne started, immediately gaining an angry look from Catherine. "Confront him, demand answers."

"What answers?!"

"The ones you've been desperately trying to sweep under the rug." Marianne sighed. "What are you so afraid of, Catherine?"

Catherine looked down again.

"Are you afraid of him?"

She shook her head.

"Are you afraid of what he'll say?"

Catherine slowly started sniffling. Just thinking about what he'll say... She wouldn't be able to hear it, she wouldn't be able to go through that.

"You know I'll go with you, if that helps."

Catherine shook her head while slowly starting to cry. Another sign that this was a deep wound, one that needed to be fixed before it'd be a scar for life.

And Marianne knew that. "We'll go together, tomorrow."

Catherine looked up. "I don't want to."

"Why not?" Marianne reached for Catherine's cheek, wiping away the tears. "You need answers."

"Because I'm afraid." Catherine whispered.

Marianne looked Catherine right in the eyes, and suddenly understood it. She realized now why Catherine was so angry yet sad at the same time. "You'll never become like him."

Catherine then cried more, a sign that Marianne's thoughts were right. 

"Listen to me," Marianne got up and then pulled Catherine up, she held Catherine's face. "You're not only his child. You're just as much your mother's child."

"What if I turn as well?"

There it was, Marianne thought, the real fear. "I'll make sure you won't."

"I don't want to hurt Lily." Catherine cried more.

Marianne pulled Catherine in for a hug, one that Catherine obviously needed. Marianne was comforting Catherine as if she was her own child, something she had been doing since Catherine lost her mother. Because of that, Marianne felt like she knew Catherine very well, though hearing her say these things and seeing how she was behaving lately, she realized Catherine had indeed changed.


Lily's POV

After that encounter with my parents, they decided to give me time. And so I used that time, I stayed with Catherine and all of her staff for a while. And time flew by. A few days turned into a few weeks, a few weeks turned into a month.

And then I remembered suddenly... The month was over.

And so I was in the park, waiting for Riley. She'd pick me up here to go to her house, where we'd meet up with the others as we did before.

In total, I had met up with them 3 times over this past month. Though we rarely talked about Catherine, I'm guessing because they thought I had left her. It's also what I told them, I don't know why. I just didn't want to hear more of those ridiculous conspiracies.

"Hey Lily," Riley smiled as she saw me. Then we hugged, something I only did with her. I liked her, more than the others. I didn't like Suzy, she seemed like a drama queen. "Let's go."

And so, we went to her house. And indeed, all of the others were there. "Hey Lily." They all greeted me simultaneously.

"Hey." I sat down at my usual spot.

"So how's everyone been doing?" Riley asked as she went around with drinks.

"I'm good, though my parents are still asking me when Tim and I are going for a child." Number 10 said, rolling her eyes.

Number 9 laughed. "I can't even imagine what it must be like."

"Especially the pregnancy," Suzy went on. "I'd hate getting sick."

"Or eating more." Riley went on, serving all of us a piece of pie. "I wouldn't want to lose my figure."

They all laughed.

"Is there more pie?" I suddenly asked.

Riley had just taken a seat but looked surprised, just like the others, at me. "You've finished it already?"

I looked at the plate than at her. "It wasn't that big of a piece," I put the plate down on the table. "Sorry." I don't know why I apologized though.

"It's fine," Riley got up again. She left to the kitchen, then came back and handed me my plate with a new piece. "There you go." She smiled as she sat down.


Riley smiled. "And how have you been, Lily?" She then took a spoonful of pie and ate it.

Now all the others were looking at me as well. I shrugged. "I'm fine, I guess."

Riley nodded. "Have you heard anything from Catherine?"

I gulped.

Riley sat up. "You have never left her, have you?" This particular question gained a lot of interest from the others. "The month's over, she'll kill you when she gets the chance."

I looked down.

"When did you last see her?" Number 10 asked.

I looked at her. "This morning, before she went to work."

"And what did she tell you?" Number 9 then asked.

I let out a breath, knowing they'll scare me again. "That she had a surprise for me when she'd get back home tonight."

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