Chapter 20: Something's going on

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Lily's POV

I think it was like an hour, maybe more, that Catherine and I spent together on that lookout. It was great. I felt safe and I could enjoy the outdoors past curfew for once.

Sometimes some of them would appear, but when they saw Catherine, they quickly left us alone. And I took that opportunity to have a look at them and Catherine.

After our walk, Catherine brought me back home. She insisted she'd come all the way up to the window again, she wanted to be sure I was safe. And I appreciated that.

"Thanks," I undid my clothes, which I had worn over my pajamas. "For the walk."

Catherine smiled as I made my way back to her. "The pleasure was all mine."

I walked to her, as close as I could, and stopped. We were merely a few inches apart. "Thank you, for protecting me."

"You didn't need protection." She whispered. Her eye color changed, she looked deep into my eyes. "They won't hurt you."

"How do you know that for sure?" I got even closer to her, I don't know why. Something about her pulled me closer. I wonder if those eyes did something...

She gulped before looking down, she turned her head. And I wonder why all of the sudden, she changed the mood. "I just do," She got up a bit, as much as the side of the house let her. "I'll see you soon."

I nodded and, before I could say something else, she left.


When I woke up the next day, I honestly believed that last night was a dream. It must have been a dream. I mean, why would Catherine come all the way here and take me out for a walk? Though that walk was my idea...

It just didn't make sense in my mind. And then when she said that she liked me. Wait, she didn't say that, I thought she meant that.

I sighed, maybe I'm crushing on her? But why? She's one of them. Yesterday's conversation with her and Esmee came back into my mind. Maybe I should learn more about them, from their point of view. I know everything my dad told me, though his experience isn't neutral. But would theirs be?

I got up and prepared for school. I got dressed and put my phone in my pocket, when I suddenly felt something in it.

I pulled it out and saw Mabel's note. I smiled. I was going to get Avan a girlfriend. That made me happy.

I went downstairs and saw mom and dad at the dining table. "Good morning." I sat down with them.

Mom kissed my head. "How did you sleep?"

"Good." I smiled at her.

That's when dad groaned, making us all look at him. "Damn it!" He put the newspaper down harshly.

Mom sat down, holding his hand in hers. "Bad news?"

Dad looked from my mom to me. "Lily," He reached for my hand, holding it tightly in his. "Please be careful, kids die every day."

I gulped. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" Maybe because I actually want to be with them...

Dad nodded. "Good."

That's when we had breakfast. During breakfast, dad made time to lecture me on and on about them, about why they were so bad and so on. Honestly, I just spaced out. I let him talk while I was thinking about my plans for the day.

After breakfast, I left for Avan's house. When I arrived Avan was ready to go. He smiled as he saw me arrive.

"So today's my first day at the job," He smiled. "I'm so excited to work alongside you and uncle John."

"Yeah," I looked in front of me again. "I guess."

Avan looked at me, I wonder if he noticed the conflict going on inside me. I wonder if he sees that I'm constantly doubting everything I've ever known. But when he looked to the road again, I knew he didn't notice anything.

We arrived at school and got ready for yet another school day.


Esmee's POV

When I got in this morning, I somewhat expected to see Catherine at the office. Mainly because last night she was going to talk to Lily. I figured she'd get back here to work again.

But when I got in this morning, I was shocked to see that I was the first one there. Where was she?

As the morning progressed, I continued my job. It was a busy day today, even more busy than usual. A lot of local companies wanted to have a stock ready for this weekend.

"Morning." Catherine said as she entered my office and went straight to hers.

I finished the phone call I was busy with, and then made my way to her. "Afternoon, you mean." I crossed my arms, leaning against the door-frame.

Catherine checked her watch and then nodded. "Afternoon it is." She then sat down behind her desk. She wanted to start working but noticed me standing there. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

I gave her a look. "Yes," I then walked to the chair in front of her desk and sat down on it. "Why don't you start telling me where you were this morning?"

Catherine chuckled. "You're not my mother, Esmee." She then looked away to some papers that were on her desk, new orders from this morning. "I see the stock-mania has started."

I nodded. "They all want to be prepared for this weekend."

Catherine nodded and simply put those orders aside to turn on her computer.

"Catherine," I scooted closer. "What happened?"

She looked at me.

"With Lily." I specified.

She sighed. "Nothing," She then leaned back in her chair, a gesture that could mean two different things. She's either nervous about something and trying to put on a front, or she's actually confident about her case. "We talked, as I told you we would."

I nodded. "What did you tell her?" I scooted even closer. "Did you tell her about us?"

Catherine looked away. "No," She logged onto her computer. "Why would I?"

"Good," Now it was my turn to lean back in my chair. "It's not the right time yet."

Catherine simply nodded. "Anything else?"

I don't know why but I couldn't help but wonder that something had happened last night, with Lily. "I don't know," I got up but didn't leave, I just stared at her. "I guess we'll see."

Catherine looked away at her computer again. "Get back to work."

"Right." I then left her office, but I knew that I'd have to watch her even closer than I was already doing. For her sake, and Lily's.

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