Chapter 11: Fear

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Lily's POV

The ride home felt so much longer that I remembered. It seems like we weren't getting anywhere closer. It was weird. Though I know that's probably me freaking out about being in my boss's car.

I tried my best to look outside, once again observing the ghost town. Though today was different, I saw something. I saw them.

It happened when we were driving on the main street, the one that basically connects all the other streets in this town. We had to stop at the traffic lights, as usual.

Miss Le Rouge was taking something out of her pocket while I was just looking around. We were in the right spot to see between houses, in the alleys. And there I saw them.

I gasped, loudly, making Miss Le Rouge look at me. "What is it?"

"There," I pointed towards the alley, to them. "I think that's them." I leaned in closer to the window, trying to see them. I was so curious, and I don't even know why.

Miss Le Rouge came closer to me, her body leaning slightly on mine. Her face was right next to mine while her hand was on my leg, keeping her up. "Two people?"

"No," I looked at her but, seeing as we were so close, I immediately looked away again. "That's them."

"Do you know those people?" Miss Le Rouge leaned back in her own seat. She wasn't interested in them anymore, she was looking at the traffic light.

I looked from her to them again, I wasn't really paying attention to her. I was observing them. What were they doing? Where they looking for something or someone?

Suddenly we drove away, meaning that the traffic light must've turned green.

I leaned back into my seat and sighed.

I felt Miss Le Rouge glance at me. "Why are you sighing? Did you know those people?"

"No," I looked outside, hoping to see more of them. "Those people were part of them."


I looked at her, confused by how she didn't know any of this. She didn't know the name we, us humans, called them. She didn't know about curfew, or not that much. She didn't seem to be in a hurry to get home. She must be part of them. And I better not anger her.

When she noticed I wasn't answering, she glanced at me. "Who's them?"

"You know." I looked outside again, hoping that she'd get the hint I don't want to talk about this subject anymore.

And it worked. She didn't ask me any more questions. Until we arrived at my house.

"Thank you for driving me home." I smiled at her and took my bag. But when I wanted to open the door, it didn't work. I looked at her. "The door doesn't work." I quietly said, already getting scared.

"Who's them?"

I gulped. "Just them." I looked down, knowing I was trapped. "The monsters."

"Right," She turned the engine off. "The monsters." She reached for my chin, pulling it up so I'd see her face. "What do you know about them?"

"The stuff everyone knows."

She raised one eyebrow, she didn't seem impressed. "Which is?"

"W-well, they kill and eat humans. They are violent and selfish." I gulped again, seeing her facial expression change. She did not like hearing this. "I could be wrong." I chuckled nervously.

She nodded but didn't seem pleased. "Who gave you this information?"

"My dad," I looked down. "He's a special agent." I don't know why I'm telling her all of this. She's clearly part of them, she could be out to get him. Yet, here I was telling her. "I'm sorry if I upset you."

She shook her head, finally showing a small smile. "I was just wondering." She looked at me, her smile and her eyes immediately made me feel at ease. "And it was cute to see you so nervous."

"You were teasing me!" I gasped. "I thought I was in trouble."

She chuckled. "What for? Voicing your opinion?" She shook her head. "I was just having fun with you."

I smiled a bit.

"Let's get you home." She got out of her car, to which I did as well.

"Miss, you don't have to bring me to the front door."

"Nonsense." She went to the back of her car and took my bike. How and when did it get secured on there? I didn't see it in the parking lot.

"How? when?"

She chuckled. "I've got people do that for me." She carried the bike to the front door and placed it right where I told her to. "There you go." She smiled.

I smiled as well. "Thank you, Miss."

She smiled even more. "Call me Catherine."


She nodded. "My name." She slowly backed away. "Miss is for strangers." She then winked at me before going back to her car.

I chuckled nervously before opening the front door. When I was inside, she drove away. I closed the door and let out a happy breath. 

"So, you're finally here." Dad looked irritated, his arms were crossed. "Who was that? Your girlfriend?"

I got red immediately. "Dad, that was my..." I stopped. Something in me told me to stop. I looked down, wondering what was happening.


I look back up at him. "My friend."

He nodded but didn't seem to believe me. "Upstairs!"

I nodded and hurried upstairs, going straight to my room.


Third person POV

John watched as his daughter hurried upstairs. He knew something was going on with her, though he didn't know what it was. And that bothered him, a lot.

Too many times did he hear the stories of his colleagues, about their children and how they got manipulated by those monsters. How those monsters got their way with them before eating them.

To him that was terrible. It was wrong, even more so than rape and kidnapping put together. He didn't want that for his daughter, he wanted her to have a happy and long life. With a loving partner who doesn't want to eat her.


He looked up at the stairs, seeing his wife stand there. She must've just woken up, probably because of Lily.

She came downstairs and went straight for her husband, hugging him. "Are you ok?"

He nodded.

"What happened? What was that noise?"

He huffed. "Lily."

"What about her?"

He sighed before backing off. "I'm worried, Betty." He sighed. "She's acting strange."

"Strange how?" By now Betty was also worried. She hadn't seen her daughter that much these past days because of her job, but she noticed that something was different.

"I fear they got to her."

Betty gasped, covering her mouth while shaking her head. She couldn't lose Lily, not like her friends had lost their children. "What do we do?"

"I'll go talk to her boss."

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