Chapter 29: The aftermath

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Third person's POV

After school, Avan met up with Mabel. They were going out and had planned to take Lily with them. Mainly because they wanted to thank her. And Mabel wanted to pair her up with a friend of hers.

"Do you know when she'll get here?" Mabel asked as they were looking around the hallway. They were waiting by the lockers, the place Avan and Lily always met up after classes.

"She should be here already," Avan then took his phone. "I'll call her." He dialed her number and waited, but it went straight to voicemail. He looked at Mabel again. "Her phone's off."


Suddenly Avan's phone rang. Expecting this to be Lily, he answered immediately. "Hey, we were wondering where you were." He smiled, but his smile disappeared immediately. "Yeah, I'll come outside." He then ended the call.

"What's wrong? Who was that?"

Avan looked at Mabel. "Uncle John and my dad are waiting outside, it's important."

And with that Mabel knew enough, she nodded, letting Avan go. 

He hurried outside and immediately noticed his uncle's car. He ran to it. "What's wrong?" He asked as he entered the car. "Where's Lily?"

John started the car, driving to the headquarters while Avan's dad was seated with Avan in the back. "The CAT went over the security footage of the other day."

"Did they find out who helped the Mother Superior?"

Bill looked from his son to his brother, who got even angrier. Bill knew that his brother was disappointed, hurt, upset, and most of all he felt humiliated.

Bill looked back to his son. "They had a clear look at the face of the traitor."

Avan nodded, he was excited to catch the traitor. Until his perfect life shattered in pieces.

"It was Lily."

Avan's smile disappeared. "No," He looked from his dad to his uncle, then back to his dad. "That's impossible. Lily would never do that. She's been taught the right things."

"I thought so too." John groaned, hitting the steering wheel. He was so frustrated, so angry with his daughter.

Bill sighed before looking at his son. "We don't know why she did what she did, but she did it. And now we have to find her."

Avan looked down, gulping. "What'll happen when we have her?"

"I don't know," Bill looked at his brother, hoping for some support but got none. He looked back at his son. "We have to find her first so she can explain her motive."

"Maybe the Mother Superior manipulated her thoughts," Avan thought at loud, immediately gaining the interest of John. "Maybe Lily doesn't even know she betrayed us."

John sighed then. "She does," He looked away again, his hope in Avan's theory was gone. "When she saw me and my team at school this morning, she ran away. She knew we were looking for her, and she ran." He then paused. "Only traitors run."

Avan looked from his uncle to his father. "Is Lily our enemy now?"

Bill didn't know what to say to the question his son asked. He knew Lily was a traitor but, like his son, he couldn't see Lily as a traitor. Lily was still family. "I don't know, son."

"We have to find her so she can explain what happened that day," John interrupted. "My daughter knows what she's doing, she's not stupid." He parked the car at the headquarters.

All of them got out and headed straight to their level. From there they went to the meeting room, where everyone including the CAT was waiting. "Sit down, men. Agent Faulkner, sit over there."

John had to sit down in the chair that was placed in front of everyone. It stood out and the one seated on it immediately gained all the attention in the room, something you would want. But John knew that today, he wouldn't get the benefits of that chair.

He sat down and looked around.

"Agent Faulkner, are you aware of your daughter's whereabouts?" The interrogator asked, loud and clear so everyone could hear him.

John sighed. "I'm not," He looked down, he felt humiliated. He knew because of Lily's actions, he had lost all of the respect and reputation he had gained here. "I last saw her at her school when she ran away from me and my team."

"Why did your daughter help our biggest enemy, the Mother Superior? Is she aware of the consequences of her actions?"

John kept looking down. Those were questions he was wondering as well. Did his daughter know what she did? She has to, she's smart. But that's what left him puzzled. He had taught her everything she had to know about them, yet she still chose to help them. "I don't know why she did what she did, but I do know she is aware of the consequences of her actions."

"So this was a deliberate act?"

John sighed before nodding.

"We know enough." He then looked at the CAT, handing them the opportunity to speak for the whole team.

The leader of the CAT got up. "Upon seeing the security footage and hearing Agent Faulkner's statement, I hereby declare Lily Faulkner as a threat to humanity. She is a traitor and shall be put on our list of criminals. If anyone sees her, they can and should kill her."

Everyone cheered, indicating they clearly thought that was a fair punishment.

"She wanted to help them well now she'll be treated like them. Go and kill all of them!" He finished to which everyone got out, going on patrols as they did every night.

John sighed as he got up. He saw his brother and nephew wait for him by the door, so he made his way there.

"Agent Faulkner?" The CAT said, walking to John. "Can we still count on your loyalty?"

John looked surprised to hear that. "Of course," He looked at all of them. "Why wouldn't you?"

"Not to be mean, Agent, but your daughter is a traitor." He paused, thinking John might have gotten the hint but continued when he saw John clearly didn't understand what he was saying. "She has to have turned somewhere."

"Not at my house!" John exclaimed. "I will kill all of them!"

"Also your own daughter?"

He then looked down, would he be able to kill Lily if the time came? She is a traitor, she helped them rather than helping her own kind... But she's his daughter, his own flesh and blood...


He looked up. "I'll kill all of them, including Lily."

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