9. He Cares

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Olivia POV

"I need to ask your parents something. Come on" before I could say anything he grabbed my hand and led me to where my parents were.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Butterfield, can Olivia and me go film a challenge for a video today?" My parents looked at us.

My mom smiled "yes you may. Respect her Logan. Do not hurt her"

"Trust me. I will not hurt her. I will protect her" Logan smiled.

I followed Logan to his room. He unlocked it and I walked in and as soon as I walked in his brother Jake Paul walked out of the bathroom with just shorts on. No shirt.

"Logan you didn't tell me you were having a girl over, I could've went over to some one else's room" Jake said with a smirk.

"No Jake it's not like that. Olivia is a good friend" Logan looked at Jake a little annoyed.

"Oh... so she's -" Jake said stepping closer to me.

Jake got cut off by Logan "No Jake! Stop you're not dating my friend!" Logan grabbed my wrist and pulled me behind him. He was protecting me.

"Jake, go to Chance and Anthony's room me and Olivia are gonna film a video" Logan pushes Jake out of the room.

"Sorry about that" Logan rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

Logan sat down on the couch and took out his phone and opened Twitter.

"It's okay, that's nothing compared to what happens in school" I covered my mouth as soon as I said that last part.

"What happens in school? Who do I need to come beat the s**t out of?" Logan looked all concerned.

I love having someone at least care about what happens in school.

"No one..." I stopped and got up and tried to walk away.

Logan wasn't having it. He grabbed my waist and pulled me back and I landed in his lap.

"Don't lie" Logan looked serious at me.

"It's just a group of boys who always touch my shoulders or yell out my name. It makes me uncomfortable" I started crying.

I cried even harder realising I was sitting in my hero's lap crying.

Logan wrapped his big arms around me and rested his chin on the top of my head.

"Shh Shh Shh. It's okay, no need to cry. Everything will be okay" Logan put his thumb and index finger on my face and tilted my head up and kissed my forehead.

"Do your parents know?" Logan looked at me.

"No, they don't" I said looking at Logan with a worried face that he would be mad.

"Why not?" Logan said in a stern but gentle tone.

"It's the price of being famous or being the daughter of someone famous" I wrapped my arms around Logan's neck.

"Olivia, your parents should know. They could stop this. They could change your schedule so you don't have the boys in your classes" Logan still had his arms around me.

"No Logan. They just want a reaction out of me. They want me to do something. If I change my classes they will just come for me more" I buried my head into Logan's chest.

"Not if you stand up to them. I know how boys work last time I checked, I was a guy" I let out a chuckle "see I made you laugh. If you stand up to them and embarrass the crap outta them they will get stopped by teachers"

"Logan, Ive tried to tell my case worker. No one listens to me" I looked up at Logan still having my arms wrapped around his body.

"They will stop if me and Jake come and talk to them" Logan tilted my face up.

"You can try. It will only make things worse" I said wiping the tears off my face.

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