15. Meeting JJ

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Olivia POV

Logan opened the door for me. I looked inside to see. Jake Paul?

"Olivia! Hello!!" Jake stood up and walked over to me.

"Jake, hello. Is it just you here? Is anyone else here that goes by the name JJ?" I was looking around the room.

"That's uh that's me. I'm JJ" Jake looked at me.

"Jake? How did you get my number and why were you watching me last night" I started to yell and get mad.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Shush! Lemme speak!" Jake put up his hands in the air.

"Okay fine. Speak. But explain why you stalked me!" I stepped closer to Jake.

Jake looked at Logan "Logan control your friend"

Logan stepped closer to me "Olivia. Let him explain" he tried to pull me closer to him so I wasn't near Jake.

I backed away from Logan and Jake "No Logan, don't touch me! I want to know why your brother stalked me and why he watched me and where he got my number from"

"Logan gave it to me. I didn't know you would react like that. I saw you watching my vlogs in the lobby the other day. When you walked to the elevator I was standing by the vending machine a few feet away from the elevator" Jake tried to come close to me.

"Why? Obviously if you text someone saying you know what floor they are staying on, their name, and it's scary when you say what they are doing. It's just wrong Jake" I backed even further away.

Next thing I know I see Team 10 walk into the room and hears a girl they never met before yelling at their friend.

"Stop! Both of you! Olivia I'm sorry he scared you. Jake you should've never said what she was doing" Logan yelled making me jump.

Logan looked over at me and saw that I was hiding tears "Olivia, I'm sorry"

"It's okay Logan. I better go before I ruin this brother relationship" I go for the door handle when I hear Logan say something.

"Please don't go. I'm a mess without you. Olivia you are the best person I have known. I love you like a sister" I let out a slight chuckle when I remember we made the pact that we would stay friends and only friends.

"Logan. I love you like a brother but I need some alone time" I open the door and step out.

"Olivia..." someone followed me. I knew that voice anywhere.

"Jake just shut up and come here" I turn around and run into Jakes arms and start crying.

Jake tilted my head up and kissed my forehead "everything will be okay Olivia. Come talk to Logan. Please. I swear I didn't know any of this would happen"

"It's okay Jake. Just for the future. If you are texting someone anonymously maybe don't say their exact location and what they are doing. Just don't be specific. Please. It freaks people out" I looked up at Jake.

"Yea. Okay. I do have to admit that was creepy of me" Jake and I both laughed.

"Let's go inside. You need to apologise to Logan" Jake wrapped his arm around me.

Jake and I walked back into the room still with Jake's arm around my shoulders.

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