20. Back To School

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Olivia POV

(Pretend Olivia drove home from Logan's house and school is the next day)

As I'm sleeping peacefully in my bed 'Help me Help you' starts playing.

I let out a loud groan then I get up and drag myself to my bathroom. I take a shower and put on a black spaghetti strap and jeans on with boots. And I walk downstairs.

Dad is already downstairs making breakfast for me. He's filming a montage of him making it for his vlog.

I came downstairs and sat at the table and pulled out my phone and texted Logan.

(L: Logan O: Olivia)

O: Hey Logan I just wanted to text you and say if I don't respond I'm will be at school today.

I lock my phone and go to put it in my bag when it goes off.

L: okay. Be safe. Text me when you get home

O: okay. Bye Logan. I have to go.

L: bye!

I locked my phone and put it in my bag.

Dad had to go get my car insurance so he was driving me to school and dropping me off to go get my car insured.

I walked into school and walked to my first period class. Everyone looked at me while I walked down the hall.

When I walked into my classroom everyone swarmed me.

"Okay class" my teacher said walking in "kids. Leave Olivia alone. You can speak with her after class"

Class went on and we learned English. We were learning about Romeo and Juliet. I copied the notes from the board.

When class was over the bell rang and I stood up. That's when everyone in the class came up to me and asked for pictures.

I was getting annoyed so I spoke up "okay guys! I have period 6 lunch! Come ask for a picture then! Everyone go to class!!"

Everyone just walked away.

I got my phone out and texted Logan.

(L: Logan O: Olivia)

O: I had to yell at kids today. And now I feel bad. Everyone got used to me being famous. But now since I was in your video people are shipping me and you. Ever since that one video everyone is surrounding me.

L: Everything will be okay Olivia. Just remember that if you need anything. And I mean anything. Let me know. Just breath. Everything will be okay.

O: Thank you Logan. Pls don't tell anyone about what happened at your house. You know what I'm talking about.

L: 😏

O: Omg stop😂 I'm in class I have to go. I like you Logan❤️

L: I like you too Olivia

As the day went on it only got more hectic.

I hated being back. I'm a senior. Only 2 months left. Oh jeez.

A girl looked at me and gave me a nasty face "omg it's that girl who was in Logan Paul's vlog the other day at Vidcon. I think that they are both using each other for fame" she looked at her friend group.

I just ran. Didn't care what anyone yelled or thought. I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall and just cried and FaceTimed Logan.

He answered as soon as I FaceTimed him.

He smiled but that smile turned into a worried look super fast "what's wrong Olivia? Why are you crying? Breath. It's okay. Don't forget to breath"

I managed to stop crying and talk "it's to much Logan. I can't be in this school anymore"

"You will be fine. I promise Olivia. If you want me to come and talk with your parents I can" Logan tried to calm me down.

"Please come Logan" I started crying again.

"Hey Olivia. Look at the phone" I looked up and saw Logan on my phone screen.

I smiled "Hang on Olivia. I am on my way" Logan said while smiling.

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