29. Kidnapped

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Olivia POV

He walked with me still on his back into the backyard all the way on the other side of the yard by the Koi pond.

I jumped down off Mike's back "Mike, how do I show Logan that I am truly sorry? I didn't know the Maverick flying away prank would make him so mad at me"

"Well, that is his bird. And he's had it since high school. And it's his entire brand. But if I know Logan. He hates it when people mess with the people he cares about. He cares about you. I'll think of something" Mike started laughing. I didn't feel like asking what he was going to do to me.

I walk back towards the house and walked inside and sat on the couch next to Logan who was editing his vlog.

"Logan?" I looked at him.

Logan looked over at me "What?"

I hugged him "I'm sorry, I know I didn't go home yet"

"No. You aren't going home. You are staying here for the weekend" he hugged me back.

Mike POV

I followed Olivia back into the house and saw her sit next to Logan.

I called Jake on the phone.

"Hey Jake" I said.

Jake responded "hey Mike. What up?"

"Olivia pranked Logan and it went wrong. The thing I know to cheer him up is to give him drama. Can you, Anthony and Nathan come kidnap Olivia?" I chuckled at the last sentence I said.

Jake took a second to respond "uh yea sure. But I'm not going to tell you where I am taking her after we kidnap her"

"Jake I swear if you do anything to her you will regret it" I whisper yelled into the phone.

"Whatever" Jake hung up on me.

When I walked back into the living room from the office in the kitchen I saw Olivia and Logan making out.

"Date already guys!" I yelled making Olivia and Logan jump.

Olivia blushed and dig her head into Logan's chest.

-20 minutes later-

Olivia POV

Logan and I were sitting on the couch watching F•R•I•E•N•D•S on Netflix (stop. Don't even think about Netflix and chill). I was resting my head on Logan's shoulder and my feet next to me. 

Next thing I know Jake, Anthony and Nathan casually walk in the house.

I get off of Logan "Jake what are you doing here?"

Jake walked over to me "Can I speak with you about something outside Olivia?"

I started to get up when Logan grabbed my wrist "Jake what are you talking about with her?"

"I can't say. You will eventually find out Logan" Jake grabbed my wrist.

I knew something was going to happen but I don't know what was going on.

"Anthony hold Logan!" Jake picked me up threw me over his shoulder and ran into the car with Nathan then Anthony came shortly.

Jake put me in the car and after everyone got in Jake sped off. Anthony held me so I couldn't open the door and jump out and go back to Logan.

"Jake what are you doing?! Anthony let me go!" I screamed and fought against Anthony's grip.

Jakes phone started to ring "Anthony cover her mouth"

Anthony put his hand over my mouth.

Jake answered the phone "What bro?"

"Give me back Olivia!" I heard Logan scream.

I started to let tears come out of my eyes.

I licked Anthony's hand and he took his hand off and I screamed as loud as I could "LOGAN!!"

"Yo. You shouldn't of done this brother Jake. You will regret it" Logan hung up.

I could care less at the moment. I buried my head into Anthony's chest and cried.

(BAM cliffhanger. What will Jake do to Olivia??)

(Guysssss!!! Team 10 is legit falling apart. Nick, Chance and Kade left. I'm so sad)

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