24. Getting Home

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Olivia POV

We sat in the driveway for a second while Logan checked his phone.

Logan's car spoke making me jump
'Manager Jeff calling'

Logan started laughing "it's okay Olivia. I know the Yeti sounds scary but it's only Manager Jeff calling"

Logan answered the phone "Yea? What's up Jeff?"

Manager Jeff answered Logan's question "bro have you seen the articles? The Logang is shipping you and Olivia Butterfield together. There is an article with pictures of you and her walking into your house and you at her school. Is there something you wanna tell me?"

"Jeff... Olivia is right here. I picked her up from school" Logan looked at me and grabbed my hand and held it.

I blushed before I said something "Hi Manager Jeff"

Jeff was quite for a second then coming back on the phone "oh hi Olivia. Is there something you and Logan have to tell me?"

I hit the mute button "Logan, should we tell him about the kiss?"

"Not yet" Logan said with a smile. Still holding my hand "soon we will"

Logan put the call back on so Jeff could hear us.

"I'm waiting" Jeff sounded like he was getting annoyed.

"We are best friends and that's it Jeff. Nothing more" Logan smiled at me.

"Yo you better tell the Logang that. Loga is all over the Internet" Jeff said sounding nervous.

"Loga?" Logan questioned.

"It's our ship name. I've been seeing edits of us all over Instagram. Logan and Olivia is Loga" I said before Jeff could say anything.

"Alright Jeff well I am at Olivia's house. I'll give you a call later" Logan spoke.

"Alright. Later Logan" Jeff hung up.

"Logan. How am I going to explain what happened to my mother?" I looked at Logan confused.

"We will tell her. Then I will take you to my house and I will cook there for you and you can tell me about what ever just happened at school. If you want" Logan smiled.

"Oh jeez. Mom won't like to hear that I yelled at someone and almost got into a fight" I felt tears coming.

Logan looked at me and smiled "Everything will be okay. I promise you. You called me. I helped you. Your mom will just be happy with the fact that you called someone instead of just staying in school and suffering"

Logan pulled into my driveway.

He jumped out of the Yeti and jogged over to my side taking my bag for me and told me to get on his back. So I listened to him.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck and kissed the back of his neck and smiled into it.

Logan let out a chuckle.

He walked up the 3 stairs to my front door and knocked on the door.

My mom answered it "hello Logan, where's Olivia?"

"Hi mom" I said from behind Logan.

"Oh hi sweetie" mom waved to me "come in Logan. Bring my daughter" we all laughed.

Logan stepped inside with me still on his back.

He pulled a chair out and I stepped down on it. And put my hand on Logan's arm while I stepped down.

I went into the cupboard and got the water picture out of the fridge and poured mom a cold glass of water. I did too.

I looked at Logan "would you like anything to drink Logan?"

"Just water please" Logan smiled.

I got another glass out and poured it for Logan.

We all sat down on the couch. Logan to my right and my mom to my left.

(Yay! I finally have an upload schedule. Every other day. So like if I upload on Monday I won't upload until Wednesday. I'm so happy I finally got an upload schedule that works for me. I wanted to try to upload everyday but I just couldn't with work and school. So I'm so happy I found an upload schedule that works for me)

(What do you guys think of my book? Do you like it?)

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