73. He's Back Pt 2

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Logan POV

I opened it and saw Olivia was throwing herself against the door.

I kneeled down next to her and she laid her head on my chest and cried.

I untied her hands and feet and took the rope off her mouth. She wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Babe I missed you so much. Thank you for coming to find me" Olivia stayed wrapped around my neck.

I've just realised that's the first time she called me babe. I love this girl.

"Anything for you Baby" I hugged her.

I stood up with Olivia hanging from my neck. Her legs just hanging.

I walked out of the room and saw the police with the man in handcuffs.

One of the officers walk up to me "excuse me sir, can I talk to the girl for a second?"

I nodded my head.

I looked down at Olivia "Baby, the police officer wants to talk to you. I promise nothing will happen to you. He just wants to ask you a few things"

"Just a few things?" Olivia looked up at me.

"Yes" I kissed her lips.

Olivia let go of my neck and slid down my body.

Olivia followed the cop out of the room into the living room of the house.

Olivia POV

"Miss. Butterfield please sit down" the officer looked at me.

"Please, call me Olivia" I told him.

"Okay, now Olivia, Logan explained to me that this man has kidnapped you before and this man followed you to the airport and he grabbed your butt. Is all of this true?" The officer looked at me.

"Yes it is true. The first time I was kidnapped there were two men. I was raped by the other guy. This one held a gun to my head" I explained

I explained everything else that happened to me.

The cop took notes "thank you Olivia, you can stay there and I'll go get Logan"

"No! I want to come with you" I stood up.

"Okay honey. Let's go" The cop wrapped his arm around me.

We got back to the room with Logan. I ran into his arms jumping wrapping my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

Logan spoke to the cop for a few minutes but I didn't pay any attention to the conversation.

We all walked out of the house.

"Excuse me?! Why are you touching my baby girl?" The man yelled from the police car.

We all ignored him. I buried my head deeper into Logan's shirt.

Once we got back to our house Logan took me to the dining room and sat down with me still on him.

"What do you want for dinner?" Logan asked.

I heard my phone go off and Logan's phone go off.

I pulled it out from my back pocket. Sat in Logan's lap with my legs still wrapped around his waist.

'Internet stars Logan Paul and Olivia Butterfield have recently told the public they are dating. But today people have caught Olivia Butterfield and Andy Altig getting close today. Is she cheating on Logan already?'

"We should explain to the Logang why I was holding onto Andy" I tell Logan.

"Good idea" he stood up and walked with me still hanging onto him to our room.

I jumped off Logan and took his hand and sat on the bed.

"I need to set up the camera baby" Logan looked at me.

"Okay" I let go of his hand.

Logan set up the camera and came back to me. He sat next to me and put his hand on my thigh.

Logan pressed record.

"Hey Logang, Olivia and I want to explain what's happening in the news right now" Logan looked at me and smiled. And I smiled back "this girl is not capable of cheating ever in her life, you tell the story Livy" he looked at me.

I smiled and looked into the camera "it all happened while I was still in school. I met Jake and he played a prank on Logan that Jake kidnapped me but it turned into a real kidnapping and I actually did get kidnapped" I took a deep breath "there were 2 men, one got arrested that night but the other one got away. Then in the airport while we were coming to Hawaii I was in line getting coffee for everyone, the man that did not get caught found me and made me uncomfortable. I saw Andy walked over to him handed him the other coffee tray and pretended Andy was my boyfriend. A few days later Andy and I were out buying Melissa stuff when the guy came up behind me and inappropriately touched me, I told Andy and we bought the clothes and the man took me and that was that. But then Logan saved me. Don't worry guys. I did not cheat on Logan. I would never cheat on anyone. I do not have a bad bone in my body. Like Logan said I am not capable of cheating" I stopped talking.

"Thank you for taking the time out of your day to watch this and listen to this. See you tomorrow Logang, take it easy fam peace!" Logan turned off the camera.

He turned around to face me. He looked at me and noticed I was holding back tears.

I've only known this man for a month and he already knows when I'm holding back tears.

Logan wraps his arms around me "I'll always be here for you Olivia Butterfield, no matter what happens"

I blushed at the fact that he said that.

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