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Olivia POV

"Let go of me!" I yelled.

The person ignored me. I'm guessing it was Logan since I was carried to my parents car.

Jake got in and I was put in the car. Logan sat down next to me in the car and my parents got in the car and we all drove home.

Logan and Jake followed me in. They walked on either side of me making sure I couldn't run away again.

Once we all got in I ran right to the bathroom and threw up.

Logan came in and sat next to me and rubbed my back.

I cleaned myself up and Logan helped me stand up and we both walked to the living room. I wanted to sit between Jake and Logan. So that's what I did.

My dad spoke up first "So, you are graduating in a few days... what do you want to do?"

I let out a sigh of relief. I thought he was going to question me or yell at me about me running away.

"Can I invite some of my friends over and have a pool party?" I ask sounding excited.

"We don't have a pool, that's the only problem" my mom spoke up.

"If Olivia wants to have a pool party, she can have it at my house. She can invite over her friends. I don't mind" Logan smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Oh my gosh! Mom, dad, please?" I was so excited now.

"Yes, as long as Logan is okay with it" my mom smiled.

I yawned and layed my head on Jakes shoulder.

"Someone is tired" Jake said.

They all started laughing.

"Mhm" I mumbled.

I stuck my arms out wanting someone to carry to my room.

Logan picked me up bridal style and carried me upstairs to my room and Jake came up too.

Jake pulled the covers back and Logan layed me in my bed then covered me with my blankets.

"Goodnight Olivia" Logan kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight little sis" then Jake kissed my forehead.

I love these 2 kids. I'm so lucky to have them in my life.

They were about to walk out when I said something "stay"

I was to tired to tell if they actually stayed.

I felt 1 body lay next to me and I heard someone sit in the beanbag chair I have in the corner.

Logan was laying next to me so I pull myself closer to him and lay on top of him.

I buried my face into his chest and silently cried until Logan realised what I was doing.

"Olivia, it will be okay, I promise" he rubbed my back.

I couldn't reply. Last thing I remember is Logan saying that to me then I fell asleep. In Logan's arms.

Around 1 AM I saw a flash go off and a camera click. We both woke up and it was Jake taking a picture of this.

(Pretend that is Logan and pretend that is Olivia

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(Pretend that is Logan and pretend that is Olivia. I you don't remember what she looks like go back to chapter one. Also pretend they are in a bed)

"Jake!" I shoot up.

I grabbed my phone and went right to Jakes Instagram story. Yup I knew what he did.

He wrote a caption on it saying.

'Do you guys ship Lia? Cause I do💗'

"Jake Paul!" I whisper yell so my parents couldn't hear but Jake and Logan could hear.

A few minutes later we all went back to sleep and at 6:30 my alarm went off.

It was 'Help me Help you'

I turned off my alarm and got up. Went into my closet picked out a black tank top with the Maverick on it and ripped jeans.

Went to the bathroom and got dressed.

I walked back into my room to get my school books.

"Ayy! the merch! Love it!" Logan exclaimed.

"Thanks" I laughed "where is Apollo?"

"Right here" Jake walked in my room with Apollo.

He ran right to me and jumped on me.

"Can I bring him to school again?" I looked at Jake.

My mom walked into my room "You aren't going to school today. You will go tomorrow for graduation"

"What am I supposed to do all day?" I looked at my mom.

Logan chimed in "we could plan your graduation party"

"Oooooo I love that idea!" I jumped up and down.

"Can we go buy things for the party? Oh Jake! Can Team 10 come?" I was really excited for this.

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