71. Telling The Logang

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Olivia POV

Logan sat down on the bed and I sat down on 2 pillows to try and match his height. Nope it will never happen.

"Logie? Can we play a prank on the Logang?" I looked at him.

"Sure. What do you have in mind?" Logan smiled.

"I want to start the video all sad and say like 'guys something happened and we aren't friends anymore' then we stop being all sad and be happy and say like 'Just kidding guys! We are dating now! Lia is real!!' Is that okay?" I explained.

"Yea. Perfect" Logan let out a slight chuckle.

He pressed record on the camera.

"Hi Logang, there's something we need to tell you. It's pretty sad. But Olivia and are no longer friends" Logan stops talking and looks at me and let's out a big sigh "we are now dating! Guys Lia is real!"

"Y'all just got pranked!!" I yelled into the camera.

"So when we first met at Vidcon we didn't think about dating anyone at all. I never thought I would be saying that I'm dating a fan because Olivia is a member of the Logang. Even before meeting me she watched the vlogs but anyways. We made a pact to only be friends and nothing more but. That pact was broke when we started getting feelings for each other then I asked her out and the rest is history" he smiled at me.

"I never thought I would be able to say I'm dating Logan Paul" I smiled at him.

"This girl has been through so much in her life that will be kept private. But I am so lucky that I was there for her through everything. To support her. This trip to Hawaii is for my friends yes but mainly a get away for her. Olivia has had so much going on she needed a break" Logan hugged me and I hugged back.

Logan ended the recording took the SD card out and started editing it.

He posted it and titled it 'Lia is real?!'

Within 5 minutes the video had 60M views. 1.4M likes and 215K dislikes.

The majority comments were Love. I only found a few that were hate.

Jake came into the room.

Jake picked me up bridal style and ran out of the Villa with me in his arms.

"Jake put me down!" I yelled.

"Okay!" Jake smirked at me.

Next thing I know Jake did put me down but not on the ground. In the pool.

"Why do you Paul brothers like throwing me in the pool so much?!" I question.

"Um, because it's fun!" Jake yelled back.

Jake jumped in and swam after me.

I tried to swim away but Jake grabbed my ankle "now" he pulled me close to him "we are alone tell me what's on your neck"

"Nothing" I move my wet hair to cover it.

He moved my wet hair away from my neck so he could look at it "is- is that a hickey?"

I blush "maybe"

"Oh my gosh. It is" Jake smiles.

He swims to the side of the pool and he grabs me by my wrist and pulls me to the beach and finds everyone.

"Guys! Gather round" Jake shouts.

Everyone forms a half circle around us.

"We can't leave Logan and Olivia alone together" Jake says.

"Why not?" Spencer asks.

"We thought they were all fine alone on the flight but no, Logan has given Olivia a hickey!" Jake moves my hair and everyone looks at it.

I get out of Jakes grip and runs right into Logan's arms.

Lydia decided to speak up "Jake! Let them live! They are dating! I'm sure you have given Erika plenty of hickeys. It's their life. Their relationship. I don't think you would like it if Logan was making a big deal about Erika having a hickey on her neck!"

"Wow Lyd, I didn't know you had that in you" I looked at her.

"Well it's the truth. Jake wouldn't want people messing with his relationship so why should he mess with yours?" Lydia explained.

Jake didn't say anything.

"Exactly" Lydia walked away.

I opened up Wattpad to see that this book has 2K reads on it. Omg guys thank you so much!!

My comments haven't been working so that's why I haven't been able to reply to comments :(

Anyway thank you for 2K

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