83. The Walk

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Olivia POV

I watched Logan get back in the Yeti and drive away. I brought Sunny onto the sand and we walked down to the water.

We walked along that. While I was walking I felt tears fall down my face. Not long after that I was full on crying while walking. I wasn't in control of where my feet took me so Sunny pulled me up onto the shore and knocked me down so I was sitting. He sat next to me and I hugged him and Sunny laid his head on my shoulder.

I cried into his fur. Best dog I could ever ask for. Love this guy. Sunny went into my pocket and got my phone out. Wow smart dog.

I called Logan.

He picked up after 3 rings.

'Hey sweetie what's wrong?'

I couldn't talk I was still crying.

'Stay there'

Logan hung up and 3 minutes later I felt someone sit down next to me.

"Hey miss, why are you crying?" A mans voice asked.

I didn't respond. I looked at Sunny.

I got up and tried to walk away but then the man grabbed my arm.

Sunny jumped towards the man and growled and barked and pulled me to a crowded place where a bunch of people were.

I took this as a sign. I remembered what Logan said. I guess somehow Sunny understood.

I called Logan.

He picked up.

'I'm on my way what happened?'

'It almost happened a third time. I'm never leaving the house alone ever again Logan. Sunny protected me don't worry'

'I am going to worry! I care about you so much! I'm glad Sunny protected you'

We hung up and about 5 minutes later I felt arms wrap around me from the back.

I started kicking and saying "not a forth time"

The person turned me around.

Sunny didn't do anything because it was Logan.

I hugged him and jumped wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck.

Logan took Sunny's leash and held it while having one hand on my back.

Sunny was put in the backseat while I sat in the passenger seat and Logan in the drivers seat.

We sat in the car for a few minutes in silence until Logan broke it.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked.

"About what? The fact that I'm never leaving the house ever again" I let out a scoff.

"I am not letting you live in fear. We will work on it" he spoke back.

"Work on what? It's become a fear Logan. You have to accept that" I say.

"Work on you going outside. If you don't want to go alone I accept that but you have to go outside. You can go outside with me, Spencer, Evan, Andy, Mike, Lydia, Melissa" he explains to me.

"Let's just go home please" I say.

Logan grabbed my hand and held it while I starred out the window and he drove.

We made it home and as Logan pulls into the driveway I see one of Jakes cars.

I get out before Logan can fully stop the car. Sunny thought I was in danger so he shot up and jumps past Logan out the door and ran up to me.

I run up to Jake and jumped on him and hugged him.

"Hey lil sis" Jake smiled at me.

I smiled back "Hey big bro"

"I saw your video" Jake looked me in my eyes.

My smile quickly faded "oh" was all I was able to get out.

"I didn't know all that happened. I'm so sorry" he hugged me.

I hugged back.

Brother Sister hugs are the best kind of hugs anyone can give.

The best part is Jake actually treats me like a sister. Not just because I'm Logan's girlfriend. He's protective over me. And if Logan did anything to me I know Jake would do something to Logan.

I have a good life. Sort of. Besides all the bad stuff...

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