27. Logans Vlog

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(Pretend Aaron talked to Logan already. It was just about respecting Olivia and not letting any of his roommates near her)

Logan POV

I opened the car door for Olivia and she got in. Then I went to the driver side and shut the door "Before we get going Olivia I need to start my vlog"

"Okay" Olivia smiled at me.

"AYYO GOOD MORNING LOGANG WHATS POPPIN?! This weekend I am kidnapping Olivia Butterfield and she's going to hang out at the Maverick house with everyone" I pointed the camera at Olivia.

"Hi Logang!!" Olivia shouted at the camera.

"Olivia take this for me please while I drive" I handed my camera over to Olivia.

"Wait Logan! Can we do" She pointed the camera at her "driving with Olivia" she laughed.

Damn. That laugh is making me just like her even more.

"OHH MYY GOSHH OLIVIA BEST IDEA EVAR!!! First let me back out of your driveway then you can take over"

I backed out of the driveway then got out to switch with Olivia.

She sat in the drivers seat. She had to adjust the mirrors and the seat because I'm 6'2 and she's only 4'9.


"ONLY IF WE SCREAM WE ARE GOING TO DIE!!" Olivia screamed back.

"PULL OVER WE ARENT DOING THIS IN THE YETI YOU ARENT USED TO THIS CAR!" And with me saying that Olivia pulled over no hesitation.

We both switched sides again and she held the camera for me and pointed it at her.

"Logang it's Olivia hey!!!! We decided it be safer if Logan drove because 1 I haven't been driving that long 2 I am short and this car is huge and 3 I have only driven this car once, without Logan vlogging" Olivia explained.

I pointed the camera back at Logan "Alright Logang. So earlier an article came out. Later when me and Olivia get home we will explain that article. We will see you guys back at the house!" And with that I turned off the camera.

-after the drive home-

We both sat down on the couch "Alright Logang" I stopped and looked at the camera.

I started to speak again "So I guess you all want an explanation" I looked over at Olivia "Olivia pull up the article"

Olivia pulled up the article on her phone and handed me her phone. I read the title out loud.

"YouTube star Logan Paul is getting close with another Youtube star. Are they friends? Are they more?" I looked at Olivia and handed her phone back to her.

"Do you want to read the article out loud? I haven't read it and some people might not have read it" I asked her.

"Sure" Olivia started to read.

"Today Logan Paul was caught at Olivia Butterfield's school. Then he was seen carrying her out of the school. Olivia then got into his car and they drove away somewhere" Olivia looked at the camera then looked back at her phone and continued to read "a few days before that at Vidcon Olivia was spotted walking into Logan Paul's hotel room. Are they dating? We have theories on them hooking up together. 1 theory is the Twitter conversation that they had over Twitter. They obviously had some type of chemistry on that conversation. Theory 2, is that Olivia's parents and Logan's parents are great friends and the 2 kids have known each other forever and they always hung out and they recently started dating. Is Lia real?"
(Before I get any comments about the ship name. Yes I know it is different. I changed it. Right now Logan has a friend named Olga and their ship name is Loga so that's why I changed it. Okay back to the story)

Olivia sighed and stood up and walked up the stairs and I heard a door close.

A few minutes later she came back with puffy red eyes. She didn't say anything about it. She just hugged me. She noticed that I saw her eyes so she went into the kitchen splashed cold water on her face and came back.

Olivia continued to read "our last and final theory is that they are just doing it for the fame and they aren't fans of each other at all. Thank you for reading this article. I hope you ship Lia as much as we do"

I rubbed Olivia's back in circles "okay Logang. We did not hookup. We have had no sexual activity between us. The most physical thing we have done together is hug when we got stopped by fans. That's it. No more contact than that. I only met her at Vidcon so to think we hook up is ridiculous. Lia is not real I promise you. We will let you know if anything further more happens with us. I did go to her school. They were telling the truth. I was only at her school because she was having a hard time" I told the Logang. I told them the truth. Everything they needed to hear. "Alright Logang that is the vlog! Sorry for the short one today. We just needed to explain things to you. We will see you tomorrow take it easy fam peace!" I did my signature shake my hair into the camera.

"Logan? Why did you lie?" Olivia looked at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"We had physical contact between us. We kissed" Olivia sounded disappointed that I didn't tell them.

"Olivia. I'm looking out for you. Your parents barely know me. Would they like the idea of someone they barely know kissing their daughter?" I looked at Olivia seriously.

"Alright. But they deserve to know" Olivia started to lay down on the couch.

"One day they will know" that's the last thing I said to Olivia before her eyes were shut.

I carried her up to my room and layed her in my bed. I put a blanket over Maverick and pulled the blankets over Olivia and kissed her forehead "goodnight Olivia. I really like you"

And with that I layed next to her and fell asleep.

(Longest chapter I have ever written. But how did you guys like this? Me writing about Logan's vlog and the plot of it? How Logan and Olivia sat down and explained the article. Will the Logang ever find out about the kiss? Idk guess you have to keep on reading. Pls give me feedback on how you liked this chapter about me writing Logan's vlog. Anything I can improve on? Comments are wide open. Anything you maybe want to happen in this book? Suggest things)

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