88. Blacked Out

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Olivia POV

Logan looks at me "One question for ya Liv"

"One answer for ya Logie" I smile at him.

"Where is Sunny?" He asks.

"At the groomers" I hesitated to say.

I can start to tell Logan is getting upset at my statement so I walk out of the store.

"Olivia! Do not leave the store!" I hear Logan yell after me.

I don't listen I just walk to the food court to get something to eat.

I was in line at (you pick) and I heard a group of guys walk up behind me. I pay no attention to them. I don't have Sunny with me so I start to panic a lot. I felt someone grab my arm and someone grabbed my other arm and another person put something over my mouth.

I tried to fight and make a big scene but I couldn't. I was to tired to fight. The carried me out to a van and the van sped away.

I heard cop cars. My ringer wasn't on but my phone was vibrating like crazy.

The van finally stopped and a blanket was thrown over me so the cop couldn't see me. I heard a familiar voice. It was Logan. The cop told him not to go in the van but he didn't care. He still came in the van.

"Where is my girlfriend?!" I heard Logan yell in an angry tone.

"We don't have anyone in here" I heard the driver say.

I heard a gun being pulled out.

"Woah, easy dude" Logan said.

"Get out of the van or she gets hurt" someone said.

I am pulled out of the blanket and a gun in held to my head.

Tears are streaming down my face "Logie help"

"Fine, here she is" I am thrown out of the van. But not towards Logan.

I am thrown out the other door and I hit my head hard.

Next thing I know. Everything goes black.

Logan POV

Olivia walks out of the store. Yes I was mad that she didn't have Sunny but I wasn't mad at her. It's hard to explain.

I look at her phone and see she left the mall and her phone is moving fast.

I call the cops. They successfully pull over the van. I call Jeff and he picks me up and follows the van and cop car.

I go in the van and yell at them.

I see Olivia fly out the other side of the van. She hit her head. Jeff and I run over to her while the cops call backup. Jeff calls 911 and I pick Olivia up and hold her close to me.

An Ambulance arrives and puts Olivia on a stretcher and puts her in the truck. I hop in the back while Jeff gets back in his car.

I call Jake "Jake! Go to the hospital now. No questions. It's Olivia! I'll send you the hospital"

I hung up and texted him the hospital.

I decided to call Cosette later. She's all the way on the other side of the country.

We got to the hospital. They put Olivia in a room. I wasn't allowed in with her.

-15 mins pass-

Jake, Anthony, Erika, Andy and Melissa all run in. Jake runs right to me and hugs me.

"She will be okay. I promise"

I sit them all down and explain everything that happened to them.

-45 mins pass-

A doctor came out holding a clip board.

I stood up immediately "is my girlfriend okay?"

Everyone woke up since they all were taking naps.

"I'm sorry Mr. Paul but your girlfriend..."


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