Fell x Mari

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Now it's a chapter with my most important character - Mari . She's the embodiment of me ....Yeah..
Somehow magically, Mari was in the void (Stars and Ding teleported her through the portal into the void "that's fools"). She was easily accepted, because she is a calm, silent, bright child . But there were those things about which none of the gang knew until this time.

Recently, the boys began to notice that Mari began to spend less and less time with them. When everyone gathered in the kitchen to talk about something, she didn't stay long with them and at any opportunity or pretext Mari ran to her room.

The guys for a long time couldn't understand what was happening to her and began to suspect something was amiss. They often went one by one or two to Mari's room, but they could not find out anything. Everyone began to worry about her. Now she was sitting on the couch with Fell and watching TV.

"Hey , kiddo"

"M? What is it?"

"We..still can't understand..why are you running out when everyone sitting in the room..?"

Mari sigh . She really didn't want to talk about that , but the time has come .

"I...I am a sociopath..."Mari said nervously sighed .

"Sociopath ?"Asked Fell.

"Y-yeah..s-sociopath..A p-person who's afraid of criticism from other, la-large groups of people and s-say something in f-front of t-them..."she start to cry .

Seeing this Fell quickly pulled Marie to himself and hugged her tightly, while Mari began to cry in his chest. Fell sighed heavily and began stroking her on the back. Mari became a little lighter and she calmed down a bit.

"I'm...sorry to hear this from a little girl like you . I'm really sorry . . ."said Fell .

"I..I-it's o-ok...you anyway do not know everything..."

"W-what do you mean?"

"I was bullied at school...my class , teachers were trying to s-save me from bullies , but...it didn't help..."she sigh nervously . " A-and when I lost the sense of living, I met one woman. She was very kind to me. Her eyes are blue as sapphire, dark as the night sky hair, beautiful as a goddess. . . she h-helped me to find the meaning of life again. . ."

"...What about the amulet you wearing all the time ?"

"She gave it to me, so that I would find peace and happiness in my soul. She called it the amulet of Life..."

"Mhm..and that mask on your mouth ?"

"This mask h-hides a strong cut on the lips that left me those b-bullies..."she said .

Everybody heard their conversation. And they all came to see what was happening, but they stood aside. When they learned all this, they all began to gently and in turn hug her, which she was even happy about.

When every one left , Fell kissed her forehead . Mari blushed hard as Fell does . Then he hugs her and after lying down with her in his arms on the couch .

Both fell asleep in each other's arms. Swap had time to photograph them.

New chapter about cannon x oc . Well , hope ya like it . Cya in next chapter !

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