Fell x Swap

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Mari goin' crazy , again . Third time . WHY AM I STILL ALIVE ?!?!?!!

Now in the kitchen instead of B was Fell , and no one knows why he agreed to it , but now he had to try the sauce which Swap cooks . Fell already managed to get into a trance because of boredom . But was soon awakened by the noise to move to the wall chair beside him . He looked toward the sound and saw the Swap sitting next to him .

"Hope you're ready " said Swap .

Fell nodded . Swap took a spoonful of the sauce and handed it to his mouth . A little blushing Fell tried the sauce and licked his mouth . After a moment of thought he nodded in a sign that the sauce was good . Swap eyes shone with joy and he also decided to try the sauce . He liked it . But he didn't notice something . Some sauce left on his bone lips . Fell noticed this and decided to do something he would regret .

Fell with his tongue kissed Swap on the lips, licking the sauce that was on his lips . Swap was in extreme shock , but calmed down quickly, he responded to the kiss . Both blushed heavily and didn't want to end their kiss . But soon the air began to end the kiss ended .

Both were shocked by their actions , but they smiled and went back to their business , mentally saying to each other 'I'll never forget that kiss , we should do it again soon' .

I can't believe i wrote this , haha! Another weird chapter , that's what you need ! Hope ya like it , bye !

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