B x Stars

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Today, part of our gang went to the market to buy everything they need. Of course, some were at work, for example Fell, SF and WingDing. Others had a day off and so they went shopping. Three of them walked between the shops. Swap constantly looked around, ran into the shops and looked at different sweets, etc, while B and Stars held their hands together and follow happy skeleton.

It was noisy in the bazaar. Many people were hurrying somewhere, buying something, others were walking quietly, some were spending all their money on sweets, equipment and fast food.

"Guys, come here! Look!" Swap cried and a couple of skeletons came up to him.

They saw many sweets that were clearly not from the country in which they live.

"Will we buy this?" Swap asked, his eyes were shining.

"Okay, but after that we'll go buy something else." StarLord said.

Swap nodded and asked the prodigy to wrap up some sweets, which he did. Having given money to the sales person, the guys went to the clothing store in the supermarket. However strange it may sound, it was much quieter than in the market. The guys began to pick up clothes, before trying them on.

Of course B needed help and Stars decided to help him. In the fitting room, Stars helped B to take off his shirt that he was wearing all this time, he had a stunning view of the ribs of the blind skeleton. Both blushed slightly, after which Stars turned away and gave Blindy a T-shirt. He quickly put it one and the T-shirt was comfortable for him.

"Does it suit me?"

When Stars saw Blindy in this T-shirt he flushed even harder before kissing his cheek. B was completely green.

"You look very cute, little green dragon." Stars smiled after kissing skele-dragon's lips.

B kissed back and wrapped his arms around StarLord's neck. Stars placed his arms around blind skeleton's waist and drew them to him. The kiss deepened, but was soon interrupted. Skeletons breathed heavily and smiled at each other, then embraced.

An hour later, three skeletons returned home, Swap went to sort out the purchases and Star and Blindy went upstairs to Star's room. There they lay down on his bed, cuddled and kissed until the others came.

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