Teacher!Fell x Teacher!Bond

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I decide to make a present, yes. I made too many gifts already. Well, I don't care, you need fics only anyway. My apologies if the character is described poorly or not in his real mood, as he should be. Bond belongs to LuckyLoto12

Morning, students are only preparing to go to school, while some teachers are already inside the building and chatting among themselves.

Fell is PE teacher, whom most of the school doesn't like, now walked along the corridors on the first floor. A little thought, he decided to see his favorite teacher.

Going into the Art class, he saw the skeleton sitting at the table and painting something. Fell walked up to him from the back and gently hugged him, kissing his cheek.

"Good morning, little cupcake~" smiled Fell.

"Hello, cutie pie. Nice to see you" Bond smiled and wrapped his arms around the neck of PE teacher. "I just wanted to see you"

"Just like I wanted to see you~" Fell began to gently rub on Bond's neck "I so want to eat you again, cupcake~"

"Heheh, how about after school?"

"Well, no, at least a little bit, but I will bite off~" Fell stopped hugging Bond, then lifted him up and set him on the table.

Fell leaned over the neck of Art teacher and began to gently lick and bite it, slides his hand under Bond's sweater/hoodie. Bond moaned softly, at which time Fell had already reached out to his ribs and began to gently stroke them.

"H-hey, don't be so rushed" embarrassedly said Bond.

"Aha, especially near the class" both turned red and turned toward the door, seeing a small part of the Maka's class on the threshold.

Fell stepped back and his eyes lit up.

"You have 5 seconds to run away." Maka smiled sweetly and at a speed that even Koro Sensei didn’t manage, run away, after which Fell ran after her and another part of the class, leaving embarrassed Art teacher sitting on the desk.

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