Teacher SwapFell

184 7 18

SwapFell AtomicConducts chemistry and biology

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SwapFell Atomic
Conducts chemistry and biology

*Lazy, rarely checks homework.
*Always "catches" students with cigarettes, takes them, after what smokes them by himself.
*The one who is insolent, with the principal, and after that nothing will happen to him.
*Teaches how to make explosive, for repair it doesn’t end well.
*Use foul language.
*Have his skeleton in the closet(literally)

*Have his skeleton in the closet(literally)

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*Super teacher.
*Unfortunately for some female teachers, he prefers chemistry rather than relationships.
*Doesn't have a class.
*He participated in the mass frightening of girls with lab rats. For this has been reduced monthly salary, but this didn't happened, because teacher and his swearing was stronger.

Like: Break time, "Did you see how it exploded, uh!? I was thinking that we will die, was happy already!", smoke, beer, stare at students putting them in an awkward position, laugh like a crazy scientist while mixing substances, put pens in acid w...

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Like: Break time, "Did you see how it exploded, uh!? I was thinking that we will die, was happy already!", smoke, beer, stare at students putting them in an awkward position, laugh like a crazy scientist while mixing substances, put pens in acid watching how they dissolve epically, scare.

Hate: Bells, ruckus, filling journals, those who don't respect him, pay for repairs, clean up after experiments.

Hate: Bells, ruckus, filling journals, those who don't respect him, pay for repairs, clean up after experiments

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He looks cute, don'tcha think? Or maybe hot~ Eh, no, he looks cute :>

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