Windster x WingDing

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Today, Ding was bad, he was so hot that even he nearly puked on Stars when he put his hand on Ding's forehead. Now he was lying in his bed with a wet rag on his forehead, the heat did not fall off.

"I told you, do not spend the night in the lab." said Windigo, holding a thermometer in his hands "..38.5"

"Uhh, I'm sorry ..." Ding said hoarsely before starting to cough.

"It's all right, Swap will soon bring you a cup of warm milk with honey and then the throat will stop hurting. And there, and the medications will help you cure." Ding moved closer to Windigo.

Soon WingDing embraced him and threw him on the bed. Windy certainly blushed, but looked up at the scientist. He was completely yellow, panting heavily and looking down at Windigo.

"Dingy, are you all right?" Ding was silent.

W.D. lied on top of Windy and pressed hard against him. Windy sighed and attached the scientist, pressing him to him. W.D. moved closer to his face and already wanted to kiss, but he was kissed on the cheek.

"You don't want me to get sick either, right?" Windigo grinned.

"I... I just wanted a kiss from you, not on the cheek" Ding blushed more.

"Well, only if I get sick, you'll be to blame"

"Got it.."

Windigo kissed the scientist on the lips sweetly and pleasantly. At this time, Ding wrapped his arms around his neck and thereby deepened the kiss. Although he was not long, but still both liked it, Windster even licked his lips.

"Hey, guys, I- ..What's going on here?" asked Swap entered the room.

"Oh, nothing special. WingDing just wanted a hug, that's all" Windy smiled.

"Ok! Here, as you asked, warm milk with honey." Swap put the cup on the table and left.

Both sighed, 'it was close' they thought, but soon they kissed again. Well, the next day, Windy fell ill and Ding decided to help him recover.

Gaster Gang shipsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя