Swap x Lazury Potion

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New OC in my studio . Yeah . Well , let's start .

Swap did not have a day at all.  The day was terrible. But here's happiness, StarLord said that he would replace Swap for this day, Swap agreed.

Now he was sitting on the couch and watching TV, while Fell and Blindy were somewhere else but not in this room. Suddenly Swap felt something soft and fluffy under his hands. He looked down and saw Lazur's head, who wanted a little affection from Swap.

Swap smiled and petted Lazur's big, fluffy ears. The spirit purred to him in response and began to creep closer to Swap. First he climbed on Swap's knees, then he continued purring, crawling to his chest and soon Lazur's head was under Swap's chin. Swap blushed slightly.

Lazur was still mugging for Swap. Swap was embarrassed, but he liked that Lazur was near. Although he is spirit and ghost, he must be evil, but he refused it and now gives joy to the inhabitants of this house, together with Fell and Mari protects the house from the anomalies of this emptiness.

Swap hugged Lazur and spirit began to purr more .

"Lazur, you can always understand me ... I want you to always be near me." Lazury Potion purred at these words and blushed light blue . Both were happy . As soon Mari and Alice saw them and girls take a pictures . Swap heard phone camera click and turned around to see them smirking . Girls ran away as Swap ran after them .

He doesn't know that they have a refuge, where they spend almost all the time.

I wrote this chapter in physical education, while my class played volleyball against another class. The ball almost hit my phone. . .

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