My lil sis

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And in this chapter, I just add my sister, as usual the art turned out horribly. If you still want to see, then here..

Here's my lil sister who's a bit taller than me(My height is 160 cm; her height is 162 cm)

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Here's my lil sister who's a bit taller than me(My height is 160 cm; her height is 162 cm).

And about her:

1. The name is Viloy, Villy for very good friends.

2. Age - 13 years, as well as me.

3. As me love anime and Japanese sweets.

4. Mostly cheerful.

5. Many who looked at her started to see their memories.

6. The left eye is an empty eye socket, green color is the magic of her soul. The right eye is blind.

7. Loves space and animals.

8. Almost never shows aggression.

9. She cooks well.

10. Viloy received wounds on her neck in a serious and dangerous battle where she also lost her left eye.

Sorry if you don't like or maybe don't understand something. Bye, for now.

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