Stars x SwapFell

385 7 22

Warning! Weirdest stuff. Request by afields6. Hope ya will like it.

Today was a lazy day. The day then the whole gang didn't want to do anything. No one sat in their rooms, only in the living room. No one except Stars. On this day, he wanted to be alone in silence.

It was an hour, two, Stars was still lying in bed thinking about everything. But suddenly he felt someone's presence. He sat up and looked around, but saw no one. Skeleton sighed and was about to lie down, but turned sharply and he hit someone and they fell.

"SwapFell? What are you doing here?" Star saw SFell lying on the floor.

"Me? Just wanted to " he got up and walked over to Stars. "play~" SF pounced on Starlord, but he managed to grab his arm and throw SF on the bed.

Stars sat on SFell and held his hands above his head. SF were blushing and mundane smile vanished. Now his face was a nervous smile.

"S-Starlord, what are you doing?" fear was heard in his voice.

Starlord said nothing, he approached SFell's collarbone and began to lick it. SF flinched, blushed and tried to escape, but nothing worked.

"If you'll try to break out, my vectors will take care of you.." Starlord said squeezing his hands tighter.

Then followed a strong bite which SFell shuddered. Again, and again. Soon SF sweetly groaned, but it quickly ended. He looked at Stars, who raised him in his arms and went to the door of the room. Opening the door he threw SwapFell out of the room.

"If I see you next to me or anybody else.." StarLord closed the door.

SwapFell was lying on the floor and thinking about revenge.

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