Happy holidays

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Oh, beautiful evening. The sun has long gone over the horizon, but there is still a light in the houses, but why? Because in a few minutes the New Year and everyone will celebrate it differently. Someone will make noise until the next morning, someone will rejoice with their pets, and someone will celebrate in peace and quiet.

Now, in one big house, everyone has gathered who could. Maka and her friends and relatives, Astral and Merger and their other versions from other universes. Now everyone was having fun as they could, someone was playing Christmas games, someone was enjoying sweets, and someone was just chatting with others.

"Oh! Guys, guys! In 5 minutes there will be a greeting on TV on the main channel!" Mokki said

"I think you're right..." Grey said calmly.

"Maybe then, we will sit down at the table and prepare for the last bells of the chimes this year?" asked Autumn cutely.

"Yes, let's sit down at the table and turn on the TV" Mafia!Astral said with a small smile.

Everyone sat down at the table with smiles on their faces. Astral turned on the TV and turned off the light, while some guys got out the sparklers. Astral sat at the table to others and everyone began to wait for congratulations from the president of the country. Soon a loud melody sounded and after it was shown to the president.

"Dear friends!

On the threshold, a new, 2018 year. Of course, this holiday comes to us every year, but still we perceive it as new, kind, desired; We believe that everything that has been made at these moments, all our hopes will be fulfilled.

Our new year is, first of all, a family holiday. We celebrate it as it was in childhood: with gifts and surprises, with special warmth, with the expectation of important changes.

And they will surely come into our lives if each of us will always remember our parents, take care of them, value every minute spent with them, if we understand our children more, their aspirations and dreams, support those who are near, in our participation and spiritual generosity.

The ability to help, to be empathetic, to give good fills life with a true, human and monster meaning. No matter where we are: at the family table, in a cheerful company, on festive streets, we are united by an upbeat New Year mood, and modern technologies allow us to share our feelings with dear people who may be hundreds or thousands of kilometers away.

And, as always, my special congratulations to everyone who is now working, performing military or professional duty, is on duty in hospitals, leading planes and trains.

We are together on this beautiful New Year's Eve. We are together in our common daily affairs. Cohesion, friendship, disinterested love for multiplies our strength for worthy deeds and high achievements.

I want to sincerely thank everyone for believing in themselves and in our country, for their work and its results. May trust and mutual understanding always accompany us.

Dear friends!

Before the advent of 2019, there were literally seconds. The time has come to tell each other the most cherished words, forgive mistakes, resentment, hug, confess your love, warm your care and attention.

May the new year make a change for the better in the life of every person, every family, so that everyone will be healthy, that children will be born and that they will delight us.

I sincerely wish you all success and prosperity. Peace and prosperity of our great country - our beloved and only!

Be happy! Happy New Year 2019!"

After that, the TV showed the chimes.

First ringing.......

Second ringing.......





Seventh, eighth....


Tenth and eleventh.....

And finally, the twelfth!

All humans and monsters, in all houses, on all streets, everywhere, shouted in one voice

"Happy New Year!"

Laughter and joy began, people lit the sparklers and many came out of their houses, all shouting again but together

Happy New Year

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