SwapFell x Fell

462 11 14

Warning Smut(?). Request by Unicorn336677 Hope ya will like it!

Another battle between SFell and Fell. It was quite long, but nothing new happened. When the battle ended both lay on opposite sides of the couch. Already managed to advance sleep time and the other part of the Gang went through the rooms.

Passed couple of hours, and these two still could not fall asleep. At this time, the fellow was thirsty and he went to the kitchen. SF quietly followed him.

When they were sitting in the living room of SF thought over a plan of revenge Fell. Yes, this time Fell became the winner and SFell was not pleased with it. His plan was so bad that SFell blushed with a single detail.

When Fell stood near the table, he flinched because of the tender embrace around his waist. He turned around and saw a SF sweet viewing his body.

"What are you doing, you freaking idiot?!"Fell tried to push the skeleton away, but at the moment, SFell was stronger.

"Me?"he smiled, "I take revenge for defeat in the battle, Felly~" Fell blushed at these words and tried to escape.

Fell was pinned to the table. He still tried to escape, but it didn't work. SFell close to the neck of the Winner of the Battle and began to gently lick it. Fell flinched even more and hit SF on his back. He only grinned more.

"Hit me all you want, Felly. For now I win~" after these words followed by a kiss on the cheek and another hit.

Another kiss, and another, and another. Finally fell not weathered and moaned. SF was pleased with this and pulling the former Winner in the kiss. So hot and desirable that the average person would have long since melted and succumbed to the kiss. But Fell was not one of them and therefore stubbornly resisted. But..

SFell was able to break him. SF pulled back and slipped his hand under Fell's shirt. Followed by a kiss on the neck, sharp and pleasant. Fell moaned more.

"Damn, SwapFell..s-stop.."but, SwapFell not listened to him and continued to implement his plan.

Soon followed the bites, as a hand played on other people's ribs. This continued for another couple of minutes, after which SFell stopped. Now Fell barely stayed at the table, because of this bliss he was flushed and panting. SF picked him up and teleported to his room.

..What happened in the room, you better not to know~

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