Time for relay, let's play!

73 2 11

So, I want to start Relay race. Don't mind me. Here's the questions.

1. Your real name?

2. Your age?

3. Favorite color?

4. Favorite food?

5. Favorite music genres?

6. Favorite games?

8. Favorite fandoms?
9. Do you have favorite characters? Who are they?
10.Anime lover?

11. What country are you from?

13. Which memes do you prefer?
14. Often gets psycho?
15. How do you feel about yourself?
16. Coffee or tea?

17. How do you feel about the person you wrote recently?

18. The last message you wrote.
19. Good or evil?
20. Write down your character.
21. The question that you ask yourself lately?
22. Favorite quote?
23. By the way, when is your birthday?
24.This is the last question.
26. Where is the 25 question?
25: Question about 26:
27. Favorite place?

28. Favorite subjects at school:
29. Why aren't there 29 questions?

30. Favorite season?

31. In whom are you in love?
32. Favorite artists?

33. Bye?

Now, I will answer them and tell who'll be the next~

1. Your real name?
- Think, but in fact it is obvious

2. Your age?
- Not gonna tell

3. Favorite color?
- I like every colors

4. Favorite food?
- Sweets, fast food. I think that's all

5. Favorite music genres?

6. Favorite games?
- I guess it's Roblox

8. Favorite fandoms?
- Uhhh, Batim, Undertale, MLP. That's all, I guess

9. Do you have favorite characters? Who are they?
 - Gasters (from Gaster Gang, aka skeletons, aka Undertale AU)
Sammy (Batim)
Kanna & Kobayashi(Dragon Maid Kobayashi-san)

10.Anime lover?
- Yes!

11. What country are you from?
- Russia, bae

13. Which memes do you prefer?
- I don't know

14. Often gets psycho?
 - Yes

15. How do you feel about yourself?
- Sensitive thing, whining that they was abondoned

16. Coffee or tea?
- Coffeeeeeeee~

17. How do you feel about the person you wrote recently?
- She's amazing. Like, I like her.

18. The last message you wrote.
- "A-are you sure?"

19. Good or evil?
- Times to times

20. Write down your character.
- Lonely thing that likes to draw, sing, be sinner and be cute or weird sometimes

21. The question that you ask yourself lately?
- Why am I so freaking sensitive?

22. Favorite quote?
- *silent*

23. By the way, when is your birthday?
- December 14th

24.This is the last question.
- Dun believe you

26. Where is the 25 question?
- Somewhere, in my mind~

25: Question about 26:
- Really?

27. Favorite place?
- Bed, bed, bed, window sill, home

28. Favorite subjects at school:
- Music, Art

29. Why aren't there 29 questions?
- Cuzzzzzzz

30. Favorite season?
- Summer

31. In whom are you in love?
- No one, maybe, Idk •//^//•

32. Favorite artists?
- Suicune400, KCreatorCrystals

33. Bye?
- Bye?

Now, handing over the baton:

Sorry guys, couldn't resist-_-"

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