Three more pets

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A month has passed and the pets have strengthened their friendship (mlp is that you?). They often began to run around the house together, playing, even sleeping together. And now the time has come when they fourth with they owner went to..You will find out later.

Now the owner was going to walk with their pets. Everyone was on leashes and were very happy to go for a walk. They left the house and went to the park.

It was very nice there. What? Judge for yourself: fresh air, tall trees with beautiful foliage on their branches, bright and soft grass on which you wants so much to lie down. Isn't it wonderful? Not inspired to go outside and look around? Well, it's not my problem, right? In the end, don't care, sooner or later, you'll go outside and go for a walk with friends or with your family. It doesn't matter where you'll go: in the park, shopping or elsewhere, the main thing is that you will still be pleased to spend time with them. I'm still sure that I didn't convince you, because I don't know how to convince others, I just don't know. But I will not detain the narrative and will continue this story.

After all the walk up, instead of going home, everyone went to the pet shelter. All four of them were filled with memories: they were all frightened, hiding where possible from the rain, bad hosts and evil passers-by. All of them were afraid of people and at the sight of them were hiding or fleeing. But still they were all caught and sent to this place - a shelter for animals. It seemed to them that there would be as bad as on the streets of the city, but everything turned out differently.

"Don't worry, fuzzy. I'm not going to give you away!" they went into this building, the owner was with them.

They went to the place where the pets abandoned by the cruel hosts were. At the moment, they were simply laying peacefully in their cages and looking around. Our protagonists marched forward, farther and farther, reached the last aviary. In it were two cats and a dog.

The first was as big as Stars, but a little smaller, had bright green eyes, the ends of the ears were green, fur was white and there was an amulet with red andalusite on the neck.

The second cat was like Ding, even smaller, had pale blue-lilac eyes, the same white fur, on the front paw was a bracelet on which was a note carved from chalcedony.

The dog with them had a black fur on his back and white on his paws and abdomen, one ear was torn, there was a red collar with spines on his neck, his eyes were bright and red.

The four examined them and the three did the same. It was very quiet, because their master left somewhere, they didn't notice it. They all looked at each other calmly after came their owner and took all the seven.

Upon arrival, all new pets were sent to the bathroom, where they were thoroughly washed and cleaned. Of course, new cats tried to get out and even scratched the owner, but they didn't regret about it.

After that, the owner dried them and went to their room with bandaged hands. Well, the pets started playing in the living room. New friends in their family - Fell, B and Maestro.

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