Teens of the 21st Century

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This person is on Tumblr. Also from Russia as the Previous Human and Me.

"We are teenagers of the 21st century.

We listen to Pharaoh, The Caspian Cargo, Mushrooms*, and the advice of a best friend.
We are teenagers of the 21st century.

Everyone has problems with the heart and nerves and stomach.

We are teenagers of the 21st century.

We depend on the Internet and one person.

We are teenagers of the 21st century.

When we are ill we listen to sad songs, than we kill ourselves finally.

We are constantly crying.
Depression is our typical condition.

We want to go to a different world.

We are teenagers of the 21st century.

We love Yesenin, Spleen and B-2.

We all have experienced the pain of betraying a loved one. And we can't survive this ever.

We are teenagers of the 21st century.

We are very lonely. Although we have friends.

We are teenagers of the 21st century

We all need support.

We are the most depressed generation.

We are used to this state. We are comfortable in it.

We are teenagers of the 21st century. And we will be remembered like this"

- by Carefree moon.

*Pharaoh, The Caspian Cargo and Mushrooms are one of the singers/groups of my country.

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