Well, weirdest thing you've ever seen part 2

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I told you that I will continue the chapter "Well, weirdest thing you've ever seen"now look what I wrote.

SF: *took Maka to his room, put her on the bed*

Maka: Do not touch me.

SF: I didn't mean to, birdy~

Maka: Why would you call me that?

SF: What, not allowed?

Maka: It's just a bit strange, especially if you take into account that my last name was about the bird that lived in our town

SF: I wonder, and which bird?

Maka: The Sparrow

SF: Then I'll call you "Sparrows"

Maka: Not enough to call me a flower?

SF: Of course, more nickname, more nicknames in my flirting~

Maka: Wha?

SF: *hugged her, lay down on the bed and paddled to her*

Maka: Listen, you crazy, removed your hands away from me..

SF: Or what?

Maka: Or that *hits very hard between his legs*

**nothing happened**

Maka: AAAAAAH! My leheheg! *tears and pain*

-Warning: some pervy stuff-

SF: *sighs* Sometimes you became stupid...

Maka: I know...

SF: *strokes her leg softly and nuzzle her neck*

Maka: W-wha are ya doin?

SF: Trying to calm you down, Sparrows~

Maka: M-more like you trying to make me feel heat inside..

SF: Heh, you want to?

Maka: N-no thanks..

SF: *made her sit on his chest and strokes her leg more, also strokes her side*

Maka: *doesn't know what's going on, lemon*

SF: *lifted her sweater, looks at her belly* Why do you have so many scars?

Maka: I-I very often fell and fought.....

SF: *very gently strokes her belly* Does it hurts?

Maka: *nods a bit*

SF: *then kissed her belly*

Maka: A-ah....!

SF: *looks at her* What was that?

Maka: M-my belly suffers so much that it's almost impossible to t-touch it..

SF: So that makes you cry?

Maka: Y-y-yes..

SF: Good~ *puts her on the bed, on top of her, softly touches her belly*

Maka: *moans and cries softly*

SF: *licks it and nuzzle it*

Fell: DON'T TOUCH THE CHILD!!! *hits SF with a chair*

SF: *passed out*

Swap: *runs inside and picks Maka up, walks outside with Fell* Poor little girl, did he hurts you?

Maka: ...M-maybe a l-little...

Fell: That brat..

Swap: *holds her close* Don't worry, everything is fine now

Maka: *nods*

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