Criminal!SF x CafeWorker!Swap

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Aaaand, somebody offered me this idea, and it's Suicune400 Yes, again a wonderful person giving me ideas, thank you :3 Now to the fic!

An ordinary city evening. The time when Mafia, his criminals and ordinary criminals, people who had no choice and became servants of the Mafia began to leave their hidden dwellings.

At the same time, night cafes, clubs and bars begin to work. In one of these cafes one young guy worked. His work was not very satisfactory, because there were a lot of horribly perverted visitors who flirted with him and often pressed him to the wall. Many, more adequate visitors did not like such disgusting behavior, but only one saved this young guy from such... dregs ?? Well, it's not that important. The skeleton that saved that boy always stayed until the cafe was closed, sometimes after cafe closing, he stayed in to chat with that youngster, always ordered coffee, apple pie and Alfahores (from Argentina). Often they talked about cute and sometimes silly topics, but were glad to each other's company.

Swap is the best cook from this cafe and a food handler. He was the one who was pinned to the wall. Now he, with a sweet and joyful smile on his face, carried sweets to different tables, wished everyone a pleasant appetite and left until the next order. But here he brought another sweetness, when suddenly he was thrown into the wall and pressed hard against it, not having a move.

"Hey, sunshine. Aren't you tired of pacing? Sit down and help us with something" a large, strong, fluffy monster-tiger pressed him strongly against the wall, that poor Swap couldn't move.

"I-I'm sorry, but I need to get back to work. I have a lot to do" the skeleton was scared a little

"Oh, come on, babe. Sit down and rest~"

"I-I can't, I-"

"Shut up!! You'll sit with us or you'll be lying on the floor until the end of this night!!" the tiger yelled angrily at him.

"Enough" from the next table stood a skeleton, calmly looking at the monster "Leave him alone"

"Or what?" The tiger threw Swap to the floor and pressed him with his foot.

"You asked for it"

Not a very high skeleton threw a chair into a tiger that flew directly into the animal's face. He sat down, wiped out the blood, but before he could raise his head he was taken by the scruff of his neck and  the knee struck in his nose, and skeleton threw him outside.

"Come here in an adequate state or do not come at all, bastard" after that the last visitors left the cafe with gratitude to this skeleton.

"S-SwapFell, you shouldn't be so rude.." SF looked at the young guy.

"Come on, kitten, I wanted to protect you" Swaf went to the skeleton and lightly kissed one on the cheek. "I will not let anyone mock my favorite chef~"

"S-SFell, stop.." quietly giggling Swap said "Today as usual?"

"Mmm, no, today I want to try you, sweetie~" SF wrapped his arms around the waist of the cook and began rubbing against his neck as Swap giggles softly.

"You are more delicious than any cupcake, Swapy Boy~"

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