WingDing x Midnight

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Another OC named Midnight . Yeah...Well , let's do this..


Midnight was in the void almost as soon as Mari got there. The gang took him as his own. He almost never left Mari, because he did not want SwapFell to flirt with her. Quite often SwapFell flew almost through the whole house because of this. How soon it was discovered Midnight was a servant demon for his master. Mari saved Midnight from his master and now Middy protects Mari from dangers, and he wants to do it, protect Mari.

By some miracle, Middy and Ding became friends, and when needed, Middi would replace Ding, giving him a break. It turned out that both had common interests and shared them calmly and even positively.

Now, while Mari was sleeping on the couch with Fell, Middy, Dings and Stars were busy with paperwork and the rest. Stars decided to go away for a little while, in fact, exactly what he did. Midnight and WingDing remained alone in the lab.

It was quiet, even very much. Both silently did their work. Dings, for some reason too often looked at Middy while he quietly did his job. Soon, unable to stand this silence, Ding approached the guy and looked at what he was writing, taking him by the shoulder. Middy winced and turned to Ding. He slightly turned yellow and began to read what his assistant wrote. Middy turned away and continued his work until he turned blue with embarrassment. Ding first kissed his hair and then to the top of Middy's head. Ding turned very yellow and turned away, not removing his hand from Midnight's shoulder. He in response to the kisses of WingDing took his hand, and gently kissed it. Both were embarrassed.

At this moment both hugged and then Star came. Seeing this he blushed greatly and left the lab. The couple became even more embarrassed, but this didn't worried them already. While something was happening behind the door, this couple managed to say to each other, 'Without you, my life was not as sweet and beautiful as it is now.'

While they were doing it, Marie and Alice took a photo with their kisses and hug. The scientists noticed them and already ran after the two girls, but they managed to hide from this couple.
Ma god this one ismost weirdest than other chapters . My life is getting weird and weird . . . Any way , hope ya like this chapter , bye . . .

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