Bitty!Fell x Swap

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Somehow, Fell became a chibi magically. He was instructed by Swap to watch him. Both were against it, but there was nothing to do.

Now they were in the living room and watched TV. Stars complacently agreed to substitute Swap in the kitchen, although Swap sometimes had to help him. When Swap went into the kitchen, Fell began to look for a place to hide from him, but he was quickly caught and both sat down to watch TV again.

Fell was bored, he almost fell asleep. But here he flinched, and all because of what? Swap began to stroke his small shoulder. Fell could not do anything, only reluctantly purred. Swap smiled and continued to stroke Bitty on the shoulder.

A couple of minutes later, Fell was picked up and held neatly in Swap's hands. Fell didn't understand what was happening, while Swap smiled sweetly.

"Fell, you're so cute in this form!" Fell blushed, and Swap rubbed gently on his little cheek.

Soon, after this Swap fell asleep, and noticing this, Fell climbed up his sweater. When Bitty was on his shoulder, Fell climbed into the collar of the Swap sweater, wrapped himself up and also fell asleep.

After a while, both found that they were sleeping in each other's arms. Quite flushed, both hurled themselves to different corners of the room. Both, one might say, cursed each other, although in their souls it was quite different.


I apologize for not having new chapters for so long. I'm too lazy to do everything at once( ◔ ʖ̯ ◔ )

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