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Yeah, guess who inspired me yo draw this. Suicune400 of course! Thank chu su much:3 So, here's the art, some facts and info.

 Suicune400 of course! Thank chu su much:3 So, here's the art, some facts and info

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In Mafia AU Merger is a cafe worker. Welp, let's start.

1. In the Cafe where Merg's working management let's workers wear anything from the work clothes, and since their Cafe is something like Maid Cafe, employees should wear something cute, regardless of gender or race.

2. Cafe has a great reputation, so it's almost always full.

3. Inside the cafe looks very cozy, which makes people feel at home.

4. The cafe has a large room, and therefore a lot of workers.

5. Sometimes even bad people or popular people comes there and eat.

Now info about Merger in this AU.

• Shy

• Always smiles

• Has a mark under his kitty ear

• The bells on his tail means that he IS someone's

• Playful, especially when someone letting him play with cat toys

• Easily embarrassed

• Had some owners but all of them were sadists

• Was saved by Astral and became his pet/love(?)

• Has some scars from old owners

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