Not really important news

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This is only for those who are interested in learning about what is happening in my school. To whom it is not intresting, you have nothing to read here.

This morning I felt bad, but no one paid any particular attention to this. Similarly, it was with my best friend, she, too, was ill, but not as much as me. A couple of lessons were already at the 5th lesson, and if it was algebra, it became quite bad for me and the teacher allowed my friend to take me to a nurse (who is usually not in school).

As it turned out, me and my friend were not alone, who is ill. Now I know that in our class 3 more children were ill, in the whole school a few more people. Now I'm lying in bed at home and I'm still too bad.

I do not know why I'm writing this, but since I did so I'm showing this to ya.

Gaster Gang shipsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя