The heck is this...

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Swap: People should say thanks to me!

Maka: For what?

Swap: Over the sand and sunlight!

Maka: Sorry what?

Swap: For what is caught fish in the sea!

Maka: What?

Swap: Probably I do not know the word "no"

Maka: No

Swap: .................How dare u

SF: Hello idiots!

W.D: Go out and come in normally.

SF: Hello friends!

Windster: Wow, you first so kindly greeted

SF: F-ck you b-tches

Windster: *sadness, sadness, grief, pain*

Maka: Ok, do not be sad, do not swear and do not be assholes, okay?!

Fell: Or what?

Maka: *hits his head* Tha's what. Now, who wanna play Truth Or Dare?

Swap: Me!

SF: Me too

Mari: May I join?

Maka: *nods*

Mari: Yay!

Fell: *sighs* I'm bired anyways, so why not.

W.D: Ok

Stars, Windster & B: I'll join

Maka: Then, who will start?

Swap: Mmm, Fell.

Fell: Ok, Mari. Truth or Dare?

Mari: Truth.

Fell: Have you ever drunk alcohol?

Mari: Um, well, yes, but it doesn't affect me at all.

Windster: Mm, intresting

Mari: Swap, Truth or Dare?

Swap: Dare!

Maka: *whispered something in Mari's ear*

Mari: I-I dare you to kiss Swaf

Swap: Wait WHAT?! *blushed madly*

SF: Aw, come on. We did it so many times, sweetheart~

Swap: B-but we did it only when we were alone!

Maka: Not buts here!

Everyone: Do it! Do it! Do it!

Swap: *sighs, kissed SF on the lips*

SF: *kissed back a little*

Swap: *pulls away* H-happy now?

Mari: *nods*

Swap: Mmm, B, Truh or Dare?

B: Truth

Swap: Do you love anyone?

B: Mmmmmmm, Anny, but she's not here right now.

Mari: Heheh, of course you will love your daughter

B: *smiles* Ok, Stars, Truth or Dare?

Stars: Mm, Dare.

B: I dare you to hug W.D.

W.D: ....Really?

Stars: *hugs him tightly*

W.D: *sighs*

Stars: *lets him go* Maka, Truth or Dare?

Maka: Dare

Stars: I dare you to drink Children's Champagne.

Windster: Oh, this is really serious dare.

Maka: Challenge accepted! *runs to the kitchen, then got back with Children's Champagne, drinks it while her tail wags a little, stops for a moment* Windy?

Windster: Dare

Maka: I dare you to kiss someone on the cheek *looks at B while still drinking*

B: ?

Windster: *kissed B on the cheek*

B: *blushed a bit*

Windster: *smiles*

B: *smiles back*

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