Almost holidays

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Wing: Maka? Why Astral is drunk?

Maka: *drinking something from her red cup* Dunno actually. Maybe he drank some alcohol or something?

Wing: Well, he was saying that it was something sweet as I can remember.

Maka: Something sweet? Then that can be eggnog

Icevair: *hears her, runs over* Something sweet!? Can I have some too??? *looks at Maka with puppy eyes*

Maka: Your puppy eyes are not working on me

Icevair: *sadness*

Maka: *sighs* Here, take my drink. It's sweet and there's no adult drinks in it *hands Ice her cup*

Icevair: Yayay!! Thankchu! *takes the cup and starts to drink*

Wing: ...Are you sure there's no alcohol in your drink?

Maka: Nah. It is Gogol mogol with some sweet ingredients, so there's no adult drinks in it.

Wing: So, you sure there's no wine in it?

Maka: I add cocoa in it, so I'm absolutely sure.

Wing: If you say so- *looks at Astral and Merger* Cover Icey's eyes please....

Maka: *did so*

Icevair: Hey! I can't see!

Maka: Good for you... Gear! Please take these two in the spare room! They need some time alone!

Voyager Gear: Ok Master *drags Merg and Astral in other room*

Merger: Please save me I don't want such to happen in Christmas....

Astral: T-to *hicc* bad, b-baby~

Mari: ...At least Astral will be happy till he sober up and realize what he did

Wing: Maybe....?

Floret Nib: Hey guys, how about we play something?

Maka: *uncovers Icevair's eyes* Like what?

Viloy: Truth or Dare!

Floret Nib: Great idea! Who wants to play?

Mari: I do

Icevair: Me too! Me too! Me too!

Windster: Don't forget me

Wing: I don't really have anything to do, so...

Maka: Okh


Maka: Ok, Nib. Truth or dare?

Floret Nib: Dare!

Maka: I dare you to kiss someone on da cheek and say "I love you, marry me"

Floret Nib: Hmph. Accepted! *looks around* Oh! *crawls to Viloy, kisses her cheeks* I love love love you! Marry me!

Viloy: *blushes madly* No and never! *hits Floret's head*

Floret Nib: Owhahhahahah!

Viloy: *hits more* Pervert! You have Mari!

Floret Nib: That's just a dare, Vi! Hahah!

Viloy: I don't care!

Floret Nib:*kisses Viloy's cheek once more*

Viloy: Ah! You b-

Floret Nib:*runs away*

Viloy: Come back here! *runs after*

Mari:*laughs* So cute

Wing: Agree

Icevair:*laughs as well, then looks somewhere* Oh! *gets up and runs there* Paw Paw!

Maka: Hm? *looks at Ice* Where are you going?

**A dark figure walks out of the dark corner of the room and looks at them all as Ice hugs them**

Icevair: Paw Paw!

??: Well hello, my little child

Gaster Gang shipsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя