B x Fell

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So, yeah, I'm back and here's the fic. And it's very short, sorry Marshmallows.

You know how it happens when a man who has always shy and quiet, became a bit perv? So I don't know. Okay, no matter, let's move on to the story.

Today, B and Fell as usual sat on the couch and watched TV. As usual it was boring and they had nothing to do. They thought for a long time, but they didn't think of anything. Soon Fell was tired of thinking and decided to go to the kitchen for snacks, leaving Blindy alone.

Returning B was no longer on the couch, Fell looked around the room, but didn't find him. The skeleton sat on the couch and began to chew the snacks that he brought, not suspecting anything. But then...

"Rraar! Gotcha!" B grabbed Fella and threw him on the couch.

"What the hell, B?! Where have you been?!"

"Behind the couch, now I'll get my reward" The skeleton-dragon bent over the neck of the Former Captain of the Royal Guard and gently bitten it, stabbing his fangs in.

Fell shuddered at the sudden pain, but he couldn't restrain himself for a long time and moaned. B purred and began to lick the neck of the skeleton, gently, teasing him. Fell moaned, holding his arms around the neck of the dragon skeleton.

"Mmm, why are you soo delicious~" B licked his own lips.

"Never do it on the couch, understand?"

"Heheh, well, I will not~" Blindy pushed his forehead against Fell's forehead.

This was the last time when B was dominant(no)

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