AU update again!

116 3 4

Today I'll show you two other teachers.

He looks cute, aaaaand tha's one of my best drawings

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He looks cute, aaaaand tha's one of my best drawings. ok, ahem. Let's start.

StarLord Letteriss
Literature, English


*The most calm teacher in the school

*Sometimes cute

*Tell about literature, writers and other interesting things so intresting that everyone wants to go to his lessons.

*Can be shy


*Loves to read

*Can be flirty, but only for fun

*Most of the girls in love with him

*Has his own class

Alright, next one!

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Alright, next one!

WingDing Mathic
Algebra, geometry



*Youngest teacher

*Has his own class

*Easily embarrassed

*Cute when he's blushing

*Most of the classes dislike him

*Explains topics well

*Did I said tha he's cute?

*Read alot, even more than StarLord


*Worry for his favorite students If they didn't came to school for a while

Gaster Gang shipsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя