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Hi my lil marshmallows, in this chapter I wanted to apologize to a few people. I'm really sorry that I've said all this to you, and maybe I've offended.


I didn't want to say anything bad about you, I had a huge storm of negative emotions and I broke up and... told you this.

I especially want to apologize to Lucky for very rude words.

Also I apologize to SamoanaGirl101 for the same storm of negativity and  candor

I see that you don't interested in me at all and this can be explained, I'm not an experienced Wattpad user, I don't understand a lot of things in your words and sometimes even the translator doesn't help me, to all this you have many other friends with whom you want to talk, and I can do nothing here.

I know that nobody needs me and it's very obvious, I see that you are tired of all these stupid chapters, aka "I delete the book and account" and so tired of me.

As I said in another chapter, I do not ask for your attention in my direction, only now I will add, just say that you really think about me, tell the truth.

My apologize, and now, bye, My Lil Marshmallows

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