Cop!Fell x Doctor!Blindy

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Mmm, Dr. Blindy and Cop Fell sounds interesting~ Ah, eh, a-ahem, you didn't see or hear anything. If B and Fell find out that I'm writing this about them, then without my head, I'll stay for sure.

Today in one of the dark areas of the city there was a fight between criminals and cops. Everyone was trying to be cautious, but many were already lying on the ground. There were only four cops and two criminals left, the shootout lasted a long time.

"What do you want me to do, sir?" asked a tall red-eyed skeleton.

"Run to that building and start shooting there, Fell"

"Yes, Comrade Lieutenant" the skeleton jerked sharply toward the next transfer.

This was noticed by one of the criminals and he aimed at Fell.

"Fell, watch out!"

Shot. Fall. Shouts and fast steps.

-Fell's p.o.v-

I... I woke up in the white room. The light was turned off, and my left eye was covered by something, probably a bandage or something similar. I sat on the bed and looked around. A brown nightstand, light blue walls, gray tiled floor, white bed, at the end of this small room was a TV. It seems that I went to the hospital, but how? Looking at my hands, I saw that they were bandaged too. Ugh, I remember that well, the criminals shouta in our hands and other parts of our bodies with their bullets, and that hurt me.

Suddenly I heard the door creak and looked at the doctor, who walks inside. He had green cat eyes, six scars on his face, wearing a light green shirt over which he was wearing a medical gown.

"Oh, you're awake!" The skeleton with a smile on his face approached me and crouched beside me.

"What happened to my eye?"

"Oh, well, one of the criminals sent a bullet in your eye, we were able to save you, but now your eye looks different"

"I see.."

"Do you mind if I ..?" he looked at the bandage on my eye.

"Do whatever you want"

The skeleton smiled modestly and began to carefully remove this bandage, after which he gave me a mirror so that I looked at my eye... Actually, I liked it. After that B, that was his name, began to remove the bandages from my hands. Soon he finished it.

I thought that the same day I will be discharged and I will be able to go to work again, but it turned out that I will have to stay in the hospital for a week. I was happy that I was not alone, Blindy constantly visited me, brought sweets, we talked. And at the end of the week Blindy came up to me with a blush on his face.

"Fell, I ... I wanted to tell you something"

"What is it B?"

"Well, uhm, uh, I... I... I LOVE YOU!!!" we were both very embarrassed, not thinking long I took him by the collar and pulled me to him, passionately kissed him.

Blindy was embarrassed more, but kissed back, wrapped his arms around my neck. Soon I pulled awat and looked at him.

"I think our feelings are mutual"


Fell: Well, what are you writing here?

Maka: Ahhh, nothing..?

B: Hard to believe...

Fell: Are you writing hard yaoi about us?

Maka: What?! No no no..!! It's just a stupid fanfic, I swear!

Fell: Late to swear, run.

Maka: *quickly ran away*


B: Oh god...

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