Stars x Swap

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Ding fell ill and Stars had to work twice as much. The work was very much and it was not happy.

By evening the work was very little. Then Swap came in the lab with a plate with a biscuit and a glass of milk in his hands. He went to Stars and put food next to him .

"Hello, StarLord! How are you? " Swap asked.

"Oh, hello, Swap. I'm tired a little, but there's almost no work left. " answered Star .

"Rest a little, and then again for work"

With a faint sigh, Stars picked up the cookies and began to eat, while Swap moved behind his back .

Then StarLord shuddered and turned purple, turned his head back. Swap hugged him tightly, leaning against his neck .

Stars was surprised, but hugged him back. Swap blushed when he was stroked on the head. Soon the Swap was pulled closer and put on his knees, from which the blush became larger .

Embrace became stronger and the blush became even stronger. And then there was a kiss on the cheek intended for Swap. Both smile and let go of each other. Swap dismounted from the knee of the scientist and wished him luck , went to the kitchen.

Soon Star finished the work and decided to look into the kitchen, where he saw Swap cooked something .

This time, Stars was behind Swap and the scientist hugged him, from which he shuddered .

"Thanks for the cookies, Swap," said StarLord. .

"Heh, always please, Stars!" replied Swap .

".... My little star"
Night . Silence. No sound in this house. Everyone is asleep, even Ding.

-in a dream-

The Genocide. Ashes of monsters are carried along the underground. Some dust lies on the shoulders of a human.
  For the first time a human dies at the hands of Papyrus. Time after time the soul of determination breaks down, over and over again a person becomes angrier. Soon...the death of Papyrus, Swap ran to him all in tears.


At this the nightmare ended and Swap jumped out of bed all in tears. He decided to go to Stars and this thought made him blush. 'Little Star' went to StarLord in the safe that he doesn't sleep.

Glancing into the room Swap found that Star didn't sleep. The 'little star' came to his bed.

"Uh, S-Swap, why don't you sleep?" whispered Star.

"I ... I've seen a nightmare and now I can't sleep .. Can I sleep with you?" Swap asked.

Star moved aside and Swap lay down next to him. They hugged each other and began to warm themselves (if it is possible for them). Swap began to press hard against StarLord and he hugged him tightly.

Soon they both fell asleep, not even realizing that in the morning they would be found in the same bed, hugging each other.

Ya , thas meh again . And here's new chapter , yeah . Well , hope ya like it . Cya .

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