Apocalypse Duet

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Fell was walking along the plundered village in which there were two untouched houses: a simple house and a house with two floors. Deciding that first he need to check the smaller house, he went to the door and surprisingly it was open. Fell went inside and looked around. The house was as small as outside, a kitchen and a couple of rooms. After exploring everything and finding someone's pink panties that were instantly discarded, Fell headed for the next house.

This house was closed from the inside and somewhere in the house there were quiet footsteps and a whisper resembling the boy's voice. Fell decided to wait until the whisper ceased and soon it was audible as someone sat on the floor. At the same moment Sniper broke the door and ran inside. There was a frightened gasp and quick steps went to one of the rooms. Fell went to that room.

Preparing the weapon, he opened the door and sent the rifle to the enemy. Opening the door, he saw the skeleton sitting in the corner and trembling with fear. The Sniper neatly approached him and sat down. The trembling skeleton looked at him with tears in his eyes.

In the morning they continued on their way and were soon in the city. In the city there was a police station, a department store and a house with three floors. But something in this city was clearly not the way it should be.

What will happen to them? Who will they meet in this abandoned town?

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