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I came up with a new universe for one of the anime. And AU is called by the name of this anime. Hope ya ready to see this. The first pair of Gasters from this AU. AU is called SoulEaterAU(original name, don't you think?) Ready?

 AU is called SoulEaterAU(original name, don't you think?) Ready?

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Tada! SoulEater!WingDing & SoulEater!StarLord.

(I know that the drawings turned out not very good, but I tried

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(I know that the drawings turned out not very good, but I tried..) I'm reviewing this anime many times and I still like it so much! So I decided to make a universe on this anime. If you want, I'll write a couple of chapters about Gaster Gang from this universe. Well, bye for now!

Gaster Gang shipsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя